Magnetic Poetry - August

My self-imposed rule of not re-using any of the words from the Magnetic Poetry calendar began to provide much more of a challenge from this month onwards in 2004. The poems are more like statements. Here I was thinking about taking my niece and nephew to the park in Wakefield one weekend when we were staying with my brother-in-law. They insisted on playing for what seemed like hours around the various animal sculptures and rocks. Finally my nephew conceded that it was quite hard for me to join in their game and could stop for a rest - 'Because you're a girl, aunty VP.'

No E, because you're full of unlimited energy.


  1. VP ... that was a cute story .. sort of makes you wonder 'is there something wrong with being a girl at my age ?" LOL
    Lopve the magnetic poetry thing .. could prove VERY interesting here !
    Joy ^..^

  2. I like to know the inspiration behind a poet's writing; thanks for telling us the "backstory" :) At least he didn't say what my grandkids say to me, "Because you're old, Grandma."

  3. Children say the darnest things! lol The magnetic poetry is interesting too.

  4. Joy - I'm still very much a 'girl' and get a bit surprised when others don't see me that way ;)

    Rose - I think it's only a matter of time before E or L comes out with that one!

    PG - thanks for stopping by :) Glad you liked it


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