A Quick Blog Tour

Thanks for visiting Veg Plotting and welcome :)

This post is a quick tour of my blog to highlight some of its key features and I hope it'll help you to quickly feel at home.

You'll see to the right there's some summary Pages to help you get started which includes a bit about me plus an introduction to my garden and allotment plot. Just click on the Home Page link to bring you back to my blog. Clicking on the Veg Plotting in the box at the top of the screen does the same thing. You can do this wherever you've got yourself within the blog to get you back to where you started.

Staying on the right and below the Pages there's a selection of some of my Popular Posts to give you an idea of the wide range of topics I write about. You'll also see a little further down I've put a Translate button just in case you feel more comfortable reading this in another language.

If you wish to home in on a particular subject, there's a Search box you can use at the top left of the page. This is just like Googling, except the search and results are restricted to what's here on my blog. Staying on the left hand side, but further down, you'll also find a Labels section, which shows the broad topics I write about and the number of articles written for each of them. Using Search or Labels will present you with a series of appropriate articles I've written in reverse date order and you can simply page through them as you like.

I've been lucky to meet a number of people both virtually and for real during my time blogging. If they also have a blog, then you'll find a Link to them in my right sidebar. There's also useful links and others designed to tell you more about where I live etc. I also have a few pictures dotted around, these are worth hovering over to see whether there's a link to another of my blog posts.

On the left I've chosen to show you the Weather where I live as this is important to me as a gardener and perhaps you'd like to compare it with where you are at the moment. Clicking on this for more information will take you out of my blog, so you'll need to use your back button to get back to me.

I do hope you'll enjoy your visit and would like to come back sometime. With this in mind I've provided a number of options on the left hand sidebar to make it easier for you to not miss a thing. If you have a Google account set up, then the Follow facility is for you. Or if you already read blogs using another reader such as Bloglines, then you might like to Subscribe to my RSS feed. Finally, there's an Email subscription option which will pop my latest article into your inbox whenever I publish something.

Finally, do dive in, enjoy and if you have any questions or anything to say about my blog in general or on a specific post, then we can start a conversation in the Comments either via the link below or via the one below the particular post you're looking at.


Your essential reads

That blue flower: A spring spotter's guide

Jack Go To Bed At Noon

Red Nose Day - Gardening Jokes Anyone?

VPs VIPs: Derry Watkins of Special Plants

#mygardenrightnow: heading into summer with the Chelsea Fringe

Make Use of Mildew

Salad Days: Mastering Lettuce

Chelsea Fringe 2014: Shows of Hands - Episode I

The 52 Week Salad Challenge Begins

Gardeners Question Time: In which "Dog's bottom" may be said