The Terracotta Pot Has Spoken...

... and revealed the winners of my fab Easter giveaway:

An Artist's Garden
Gwenfar's Lottie

Congratulations to the winners :)

I'll get your copies of The Garden to Kitchen Expert off to you as soon as I have your addresses...


  1. Woo-hoo! I am so very happy
    Thank you
    K (and Shedman of course)

  2. Terracotta pots are so very elogent!


  3. Really?! But I NEVER win stuff! How wonderful, will dance my happy dance. Will also email you to make sure you have my address... I now worship the terracotta pot...

  4. congratulations, you 3! :) lovely way to start a week.

  5. Gongrats guys, hope you make somthing yummy! :)

  6. I'm so excited - I won something! Yay! Will email you my address. Thanks VP. And thanks to others for their great suggestions. cheers.

  7. Hi good to see people are very happy :)


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