Impromptu Harvest

I've been hacking away at an enormous bramble up at the plot to try to get rid of it at long last.

An unexpected side effect was uncovering lots of ripe gooseberries which had yet to be discovered by the birds. Therefore it was important to harvest these straight away before the pesky critters realised what was there.

However, I hadn't expected to be harvesting anything and so hadn't bought any of my containers. My solution to the problem? An extra use for the gauntlets I did have with me. One gauntlet = half a kilo of berries, ready for making some delicious gooseberry fool later on.

I discovered the next day I should have checked the fingers for stray berries before putting them on again ;)


  1. I always have a plastic bag or two tucked away in my pockets whenever I go plotting for just an eventuality. Your last sentence made me laugh, I hope that it wasn't too messy! Flighty xx

  2. Brilliant! I'm always running short of things to put unexpected harvests in. Good job it wasn't anything squashy you had to carry. I'm off to the allotment as soon as I've had breakfast to do battle with the weeds. CJ xx

  3. We have a shed full of those plastic punnets you buy peaches We have a collection of all mannre of sizes and shapes. Ehen empty they return to the plot shed.

  4. How wonderful to find an unexpected harvest hiding away! So clever to think of using your gauntlet as a means to carry your gooseberries. Gooseberry fool - wonderful!

  5. We picked ours gloveless. I now know where the term gooseberry fool comes from!

  6. Full mark on your lateral thinking. I've been caught out like that a few times before now :)

  7. Classic allotment holder creativity! And what a treat. I have a baby gooseberry, and am trying to remember why I didn't pick a thornless one...


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