Got a Great Gardening Idea? The Future Fund Wants to Hear From YOU!

It's not often I get to tick a garden off my 'Must See' list AND hear a great story, but my visit to Le Manoir aux Quat' Saisons yesterday turned out to be a red letter day.

Imagine the scene...

... it's an ordinary day at your magazine's office, then the postman brings you a sober looking solicitor's letter. What could it be? If you're like me, you'd immediately assume the worst.

But stop and consider the complete opposite instead. You rip the letter open and learn someone has not only read your magazine for years, they've loved it so much they've left the magazine a sum of money in their will.

Well, what would you do?

That's exactly the delicious dilemma The English Garden faced recently and the result was yesterday's launch of the Future Fund. It comprises a bursary of £5,000 for 5 recipients (one per year) and is open for anyone to apply to fund their bright idea.

There are no limits on what's included, except the applicant must be over 18, reside in the UK and the idea must be garden(ing) related and help the gardening community in some way. That doesn't mean it's exclusively for community gardening; it can be for anything which helps to grow and benefit our horticultural community as a whole.

It's the ultimate horticultural 'pay it forward' in my view.

Have a look at the above video and The English Garden's website for more information. If you don't have a bright idea (just like me), then please tell everyone you know who just might have the nub of something which is in need of some cash to help it on its way.

Full details and application forms will also be in The English Garden's October and November editions.


  1. How wonderful. I never have any bright ideas, but I do always love seeing what genius ones other people come up with. I am absolutely certain there will be some really amazing ones. How lovely that you visited the gardens at Le Manoir, they always look so fantastic, I imagine it's a wonderful place to wander round. No doubt you are full or inspiration and enthusiasm now! CJ xx

    1. It was fabulous CJ - full post to come :)


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