GBMD: A Blade of Grass

For my friend and ex-colleague Sue whose funeral I attended recently. This thought provoking poem was read out at her service and has stayed with me since.

It sums up Sue's character perfectly and also serves to highlight how much we take for granted, especially the everyday and familiar... and other things perhaps, such as our friends.

There is still beauty to be found in the pictured Hakonechloa flower, even in the midst of its winter decay.

It's sad that I thought of Sue before Christmas and made a mental note to contact her in the New Year, just like many of us do at that time. A few days later I found out she'd died, at around the time I was thinking of her.


  1. So sorry to learn about your friend but thanks for sharing this lovely poem - so true and something I am going to copy out and have where I can see it and be reminded of the beauty in everyday things.

  2. I am sorry for your loss. And thank you for this reminder....we need it so often as life gets in our way and time passes too quickly.

  3. I am sorry to hear this, but heartened by the Brian Patten poem. He was a favourite in the 70s.

    We all have those good intentions to stay in touch, don't we. There is much to be said for a quick post-card.

  4. What a moving poem. I think your friend would have loved the idea that you were thinking of her and would have totally understood how life trips us up when it comes to keeping in touch.

  5. Thanks for your comments everyone, they're much appreciated. This was new poet to me :Colleen, I must find more.


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