GBBD: Persicaria 'Fat Domino'

Close-up of Persicaria 'Fat Domino'

Like Wednesday's hydrangeas, I've dismissed Persicaria as a plant of value to VP Gardens for far too long. How glad I am I succumbed to the charms of Persicaria amplexicaulis 'Fat Domino'.

Why the initial resistance? I don't really like the candy-pink version which crops up in so many planting schemes... though I've also started to re-evaluate that notion.

Why the change of mind? Well consider this...

Mass planting of Persicaria 'Fat Domino at Knoll Gardens

Isn't that glorious? It's part of the masterful planting Neil Lucas put together at Knoll Gardens in Dorset, which I saw last September. Dark red flowers have a habit of speaking loudly to me and I could see the spot where this plant would fit nicely into my garden.

So two plants followed me home, one for me and one for Karen.

Persicaria 'Fat Domino' and Agastache 'Blackadder' in combination in my garden

As you can see it's settling in very well here and I hope to see it doing the same when I visit Karen soon. I rather like how it echoes the form of Agastache 'Blackadder' in the terrace bed above it. I'd love to claim responsibility for this combination, but in reality nature did it for me as this year the Agastache decided to grow to the left of the position I planted it in 2014.

I love how visits to gardens and shows, plus the art of just looking, enable us to re-evaluate our ideas.

Now where can I put this...

Another Persicaria I liked the look of at Knoll Gardens - 'September Spires'

Garden Bloggers' Blooms Day is hosted by Carol at May Dreams Gardens.


Latin without tears

According to my A to Z of Plant Names, Persicaria is derived from Latin/Greek and means peach-like. This refers to the shape of the leaves in some of the species. 

The species name amplexicaulis is from Latin and refers to the way the base of the leaves clasp the stem. This Persicaria species is native to an area which spreads from Afghanistan to China. However, P. 'Fat Domino' is the result of a plant breeding programme (the link takes you to more details) and is currently subject to Plant Breeders Rights.


  1. Persicaria 'Fat Domino' has been on my wish list for some time VP. I'm hoping that it might leap out at me at the Southport Flower Show this week. It looks a perfect match with the agastache. I wonder whether the name is related to the singer although if so the s has gone missing somewhere along the way. 'September Spires' looks tempting too.

    1. I wondered that too Anna, though it should be 'Fats Domino' if it was. I hope you find it at Southport, Karen was thrilled with it when I gave it to her last year and I know Janet at Plantalicious also has it in her garden and she thinks it's fab. Have a wonderful visit at the show - it's one I'd like to go to sometime.

  2. Fat Domino is very lovely, I wish Persicarias (and Sanguisorbas) were as easy to find on this side of the pond, gardeners and nurseries here seem think they are too invasive. To me it says, "weed cancelling". But I keep looking. I did find P. affinis and S. hakusanenesis, Tanna, and officinalis.

    1. Welcome to Veg Plotting Hannah :) P. 'Fat Domino' is definitely one which needs a bit of room in the border, but then it's also a much taller Persicaria than most. I'm definitely with you on the weed cancelling side of things, but I also know how much invasive plants are an issue on your side of the pond.

  3. Karen's is doing very well and she loves it. She also had a Golden Arrow from me which is a little way doiwn the same border. So, when are you coming to visit?

    1. Ooh thanks for the update on Karen's plant :-) We're having a complicated summer, But I hope to visit soooooon...

  4. Neil Lucas creates some wonderful gardens. I grow P. firetail, which as the name implies has red flowers.

    1. Knoll Gardens is well worth a visit and Neil puts some grand exhibits together at the shows. Have you read his book on grasses? That and Karen's gentle teasing have persuaded me to start experimenting with grasses in my garden.

  5. I was aghast the first time I saw Persicaria in a planting. You see, there's a native one that grows with wild abandon here and is referred to as smartweed, an invasive. But I've since become educated on them--I remember Scott Weber's beautiful plantings during the Portland Fling. Yours is a beauty!

    1. Thanks Rose - this one likes room, so I can see why you were concerned the first time you saw Persicaria in a planting!


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