GBMD: I Love Compost

I love compost quote by Octave Mirbeau and mulched beds in progress at West Green House
Mulching in progress at West Green House - early February 2016
I found this surprising (and welcome) quote at the Royal Academy's Painting the Modern Garden exhibition recently.

Octave Mirbeau was an anarchist writer* and seemingly enthusiastic about all things gardening if this quote from his one of his letters is anything to go by.** He considered his garden in the River Seine valley as an unspoiled utopia, and corresponded with Monet, Caillebotte and Pissarro.

* = described as such at the exhibition.

** = I don't know if there was any reaction to this comment from any woman who knew Mirbeau. Whilst I love gardening and compost, NAH knows better than to compare me to anything I spread on our garden. However, a former boyfriend once said, "I don't care if you looked like a washing machine, I'd still love you". Hmm.

Update: purely by coincidence, Flighty has posted about his compost bin. Like him and the gardeners at West Green House, I must get cracking and spread the good stuff from mine...


  1. I had to laugh at this quote, but don't think I'd ever dare say it. Flighty xx

    1. It made me smile too Flighty. I also had this scheduled before your post on your compost bins went up and knowing this was coming along, made me smile too. I must add a link to your post :)

    2. Thanks for the mention and link, it's much appreciated. Flighty xx

  2. I love compost too, an looking forward to my new space arriving so that I can sort through my bins and spread the black gold on my veg beds.


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