Let's Go Pell-mell to the Mall

Entrance to the Mall Galleries London

I've walked down the Mall lots of times, but not noticed this place tucked away in the elegant buildings there before. It turned out to be a pleasant discovery yesterday.

I was lured there with the promise of some contemporary garden art courtesy of the Mall Galleries and their Royal Society of British Artists annual exhibition. It promised to be a good follow-up to Painting the Modern Garden I saw in January.

Front Garden with Self Painting by Melissa Scott-Miller

I wasn't disappointed. I particularly liked Melissa Scott-Miller's Front Garden with Self Painting (click to enlarge and you'll see her), which reminded me of Renoir's painting of Monet at work. Melissa's work won the Galleries Bookshop prize and also graces their shelves as a greetings card.

2 paintings by Rowan Crew
On the left we have Morning Light by Rowan Crew, and then his Worcester Pearmain which reminded me of the
plum tree paintings I saw at Painting the Modern Garden 

Olive Tree amongst the Vines by Nicholas Verrall
Most of Nicholas Verrall's Olive Tree amongst the Vines, a painting to get lost in for a very long time

It wasn't all about gardens as art. With 500 items on show, there was plenty more to explore...

View of the Gallery from my seat in the cafe

... with a very convenient cafe, positioned perfectly for visitors to admire the view.

2 detailed ceramic pieces by Stuart Smith

It wasn't all paintings or drawings either. I particularly enjoyed these detailed ceramics by Stuart Smith.

Laura Rosser's woodcut We Ain't All Middle Class Bohemians
My personal favourite: Laura Rosser's intricate woodcut We Ain't All Middle Class Bohemians

A special offer for Veg Plotting readers

If you'd like to see the exhibition for yourself... and for free, just mention Veg Plotting at the gallery desk for free admission for you and a friend. It's open from now until 2nd April 2016, 10am to 5pm (1pm on final day).


  1. Of the paintings you've shown, I too specially like 'Front Gardens'. I wouldn't expect to enjoy an exhibition on a theme - but maybe a theme allows for greater variety than I would anticipate.

    1. There wasn't really a theme Esther, the gallery chose to tell me about the garden related paintings. There was an eclectic mix, which was great!

  2. When I lived in the North West, a friend and I came down each year to the Mall Galleries for their Exhibition of Wildlife Artists, so I know the building well! I would have loved the exhibition that you went to, maybe one day I'll get round to painting the garden here!

    1. It's been a treat to discover it Pauline and it's great to see other readers here and on FB like the gallery too :)

  3. that could so easily be a corner of Riebeeck Kasteel, as we drove to our previous home in Porterville.

  4. That does look rather fabulous, I love the Melissa Scott-Miller, what a gorgeous front garden.

    1. It reminds me of Naomi Schillinger's Veg Street (Out of My Shed), Janet :)

  5. It also reminds me of the recent pictures from California after the rain they had there :)


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