GBMD: The perfect excuse for more strawberries

Strawberry sign at RHS Wisley - 8 strawberries provide 140% of recommended daily vitamin C intake
As found in the fruit display at RHS Wisley, July 2016. 

According to the British Summer Fruits website, today's the first day of the summer berry season - hurrah!

English strawberries found in the supermarket today will probably be polytunnel grown due to the vagaries of our British weather. I've had good results with 'Mae' and 'Christine' grown outdoors on the allotment in previous years if you're looking for a good early variety to grow for 2018. They have a sweet flavour and high yields.

I can't guarantee strawberries for May 1st, especially after the recent cold weather - mid to late May is a much better bet. I have some frost-blown flowers on the allotment, but with plenty of unscathed ones showing promise. Stand by with the fleece if more frosts are forecast down your way and you should avoid flowers with the dreaded black middles.


  1. I'm looking forward to strawberries. We tried Mae once and it didn't do very well on our plot.

    1. That's a shame Sue, which strawberries are your favourites?

    2. For taste Malwina which is late fruiting. We also did well with Cupid and Fenella.

  2. There seem to be a prolific amount of flowers on the strawberry plants here so I'm optimistic of actually getting some fruit this year - I'll be watching keenly and will net as soon as fruit starts to form.

    1. The frost got to most of mine Caro, so there'll be a slight delay before I get to taste my strawberries this year. However, I see British grown ones are in the shops now :)

  3. Eight strawberries or one orange? Why not to choose both?

    1. I like oranges, but I love strawberries :) However, their seasons are different, so we do eat both.


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