Wordless Wednesday: Where to Start?

Some of the garden info and other materials gathered during my Normandy/Loire visit in May 2017


  1. Replies
    1. You are correct Naomi - we disembarked from the ferry and headed straight for Jardins Agapanthe and a tour with Alexandre Thomas himself. He gave me that jar of jam as well!

  2. Oh you were spoilt for choice there VP. Looking forward to reading all about your garden visits.

  3. Replies
    1. It was! Still getting my head around it all :)

  4. Enjoying all the photos. Looks like fun :) x

    1. Thanks Karen, it was a lot of fun. Tiring though! :)

  5. I still cannot understand how youboth had the energy to visit up to five gardens in one day! That's an incredible rate of garden bothering, it really is.

    1. Having completed the map now, I find it hard to believe myself! We're slackers though, we ran out of time for the Garden Greeter tour of the public gardens in Chartres (it was raining, so we felt less guilty about it!) ;)

  6. Looks like you had a wonderful time in France!

    1. Yes, we did thanks. We'll be talking about this for months if not years to come :)


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