Garden Bloggers' Muse Day: The Rose

Imagine the scene... you're visiting a garden which in the 16th century was home to France's most famous poet, who was a gardener who loved roses and also wrote about them.

You pass by a sheltered courtyard where the first roses of the season are in full bloom, then jump out of your skin as a deep disembodied voice starts intoning in French the poem shown above.

It was a magical moment at Saint-Cosme Priory in May, and seeing I have red roses in bloom in my garden today, the poem has a timely quotation for Muse Day. You can read the full poem here.

I wrote more about this garden for the Guardian recently, along with another favourite from my recent visit to France, the Abbey of Saint-George de Boscherville.


  1. I enjoyed your Guardian article, thanks. We used to holiday in that area, near Descartes, there are lots of interesting gardens and parks in the area. Your piece was a nice reminder.

    1. Thank you Steve :) I think we'll be making several return trips to France, there are so many gardens to explore. I'll keep Descartes in mind as a possible base to explore from - thanks for the tip!

  2. Oh that must have been a goosebump moment VP. Have noted the names of both gardens for future reference. Thank you :)

    1. It was. I hope you get to see them soon :)

  3. I wish I had been with you for the poem moment! Brilliant! I enjoyed reading your piece for The Guardian, but I think it should have included a wealth health warning as now I need to go exploring.

    1. Thanks Sarah :) I need a wealth health warning too as I want to return!


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