ABC Wednesday - D is for...

For me, the most difficult part of my garden design course is keeping a book of drawings, ideas, things that take my eye etc. I'm not alone in my difficulties as it's a recurring theme in the student forum and chat room. It's part of our assessed coursework, hence our trials and tribulations.
I haven't done anything like this for over 30 years, so my approach has been to do something little and often, rather than getting frustrated in trying to complete something in one go. As a result, I'm quite pleased with the pictured seedpods of a Callistemon citrinus 'Splendens' (aka bottle brush). I realised I'd mistreated this plant dreadfully by trying to grow it in a pot when really it wants to be a magnificent bush 2-3 metres high out in its native Australia. As a result, this drawing is all I have left.
Check out Mrs Nesbitt's place for more ABC postings from around the world.


  1. Your drawing is beautiful. Very Artistic D! :)

    I like your philosophy - "little and often". :)

  2. lovely drawing

  3. I am impressed! I can only draw using a ruler!

  4. What with singing and drawing not only am I impressed I'm slightly envious as I'm frankly terrible at both!

  5. I was never any good at drawing or still life which is why I never got to take Art at O-level. In the mocks I did miserably but in the real exam I could have opted to do the Architecture question instead and I might have scraped through that.

  6. I wanted to put some drawings, then I noticed that they were paintings, and I put drawers instead. Your drawing is good.

  7. Must admit that I liked your Lion Rock better.
    May be D for Disney´s Lion King

  8. I envy anyone with the talent to draw. well done and happy wednesday.

  9. Very beautiful drawing. I'm impressed. Nice D post

  10. I think I much prefer your botanical drawing to the "alleged" Banksy!! Keep 'em coming Michelle.

  11. I think your drawing is very good and beautiful:)
    Have a nice day.

  12. I love your drawing,and I like your blog,lots of lovely photos:o)

  13. What a lovely drawing. We have some type of plant/bush we call bottlebrush here in Southern California, too. Enjoy your course!

  14. That's a beautiful drawing. You're right to be pleased.

  15. How neat that you are into garden design…the sketch is awesome

  16. Nicely done - I've always wished I could draw.

  17. We had a bottle brush tree in our yard when I was grwoing up in California. I did not know it was a native of Australia.

  18. Wow! Excellent drawing. I'm well impressed.

  19. Not bad after a 30 year break; your drawing is really good. Maybe I could post a bottle brush next time round! I have one growing in my back garden.

  20. Thanks for the compliments everyone - I was a bit unsure and nervous about choosing this as my D post as I know there's plenty of you who are much more artistic than I am!

    Anyway, it's made me determined to get my sketchbook out again and continue with my course.

  21. c'mon, your drawing is great! and this is most difficult part of garden design course :)

  22. Hi Ewa - thanks for the compliment. You're right the drawing is the most difficult part of the course, for me at least!

  23. That's a lovely drawing. You're very talented. Thank you for visiting my ABC. Sorry for taking so long to repay the visit.

  24. Thanks Siani - with 80 ABCers, I'm just glad you took the time to stop by :)


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