Special Seed Stash

One of the benefits of being a member of the Royal Horticultural Society (RHS), is the ability to select up to 20 packets of seeds per year. The seeds are collected from the RHS gardens and their long list of potential delights is published towards the end of the year. This is my first order and I decided to focus mainly on bulbs as I've never grown these from seed before. My selection arrived yesterday, together with a detailed germination guide. Perusal showed I've selected some of the more 'challenging' seeds. Most of them require stratification of up to 4 months first (some even need double stratification) and some may take up to a year to germinate. I've never stratified seeds before, so this will be a good practical exercise for my RHS certificate studies. I'll also need to cultivate patience as I'm used to seeds usually germinating within days!


  1. I think that I'll stick to the sow and forget varieties for the time being! Good luck with these.

  2. Patience is one heck of a hill to get over with gardening .. I don't think I could hold hands with seeds that long ! LOL
    BUT .. I know it is so exciting to get seeds and find out how they are going to do .. my stash is very easy so if any fail .. I know it must be my fault ! darn !
    Good luck and take pictures !

  3. Happy sowing - it looks as if you have a veritable treasure trove there ! I have no experience of ordering from the RHS seed list but have had great fun in the past with the Cottage Garden Society seed exchange.

  4. Thanks for your good wishes everyone - I think I'll need it! You bet I'll be taking some pictures on this one - expect a Masterclass on stratification ;)

    Thanks for stopping by for the first time gardenjoy4me!


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