Daffy Down Dillies *

Daffodils were the first thing I planted in the garden - I had a vision of 'a host'** of them clothing the steep bank at the side of the house and planted nearly 500 bulbs there one very grey November day. I still plant daffodils every year - but have graduated to my 'guerilla garden' on the public land at the side of the house as I've run out of room in my own garden.
That's still to come. The pictured daffodils first flowered on February 7th, the earliest date ever according to my garden diaries. They're Tete a Tete and are in the front garden. Usually Jetfire in the back garden are the first to bloom - they're just coming into bud.
* = my childhood name for daffodils - I've just found out it originates from here.
** = with apologies to William Wordsworth for the very brief quote, but not as many as that needed for this version.


  1. Hi Michelle, I love daffs, although I don't have them planted around my garden, my dad has lots of different varieties in his, so he picks the occasional bunch for me. I have got about five pots of narcissi and jonquils which flower religiously for me every year, they are lovely and the jonquils smell lovely too. x

  2. Hello Louise! It's great to hear from you again - I was thinking of you only yesterday and wondering when you'd be back and there you are!

    As you love daffs, do you have plans to plant some in the garden later this year or are you just going to stick with pots?

  3. I got given some by a plot neighbour some which should be flowering soon!
    I actually prefer the dwarf, tete-a tete type, ones and will plant some of them later on in the year.

  4. Flighty - hello! I heard your comment come in on the email whilst I was commenting back on another post! Yes, the little daffs are so dainty aren't they? I can't make my mind which ones I like best - I fall in love with each variety as they come out.

  5. Thank you for stopping by my site earlier. Your daffs are just lovely. I planted Earlicher, Jet Fire, and Geranium this fall, but they havn't bloomed yet.

  6. Mweah!

    Dilly like!


  7. I love seeing daffodils. I would never have thought that expression originated with Nathaniel Hawthorne. I'm looking forward to seeing more photographs.

  8. 'Tete a tete' are very early bloomers here this year - some out at the start of the month. My favourites 'Jenny' and 'Thalia' have still to open. Thanks for the link to the rap - I remember hearing it on our local television news last year.

  9. Hi aunt debbi/kurts mom, Dilly, Kate & Anna. Glad you like the photo - I do hope to post some more. When I think of March, I think of the colour yellow :) So much more cheerful after a dreary winter...

    I don't have some of the varieties you've mentioned, so I'll be checking them out later on in the year :)

  10. he he tete a tete were the first ones I planted in my garden too :)

  11. Hi Ewa - they are lovely aren't they :)


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