Muck Movin'

Now I've got my plot plan together and the weather's got better, I've been getting to grips with the vast pile of muck hidden under this black tarpaulin. 12 beds need to have a thick layer added ready for spring digging - 3 down, 9 to go!
I get my muck from 'Mr Manure', named as such by NAH, after the farmer presented me with his home made business card (simply saying 'Manure' + telephone number + suspicious brown smudge) the first time he delivered a trailer load to my plot.
The weather's set fair for the next few days, so guess what I'll be doing!


  1. You've got a lot of digging ahead of you, but it will be worth it in the end.

  2. Hi Michelle

    The graft will be worth it when you harvest those great big Parsnips:)

    And the satisfaction of earning the hot bath afterwards.

  3. Rather you than me! I'll be thinking of you later on when I'm on the plot doing some light forking over and weeding. Take care!

  4. Hi everyone - you're right! Lots of hard work ahead, but the rewards will be worth it :)

  5. Good to see that Mr Manure delivers. It must be his usp!
    Careful with the muck moving - it will be a bit of a shock for the back!

  6. Hi TopVeg - thanks for stopping by. We do get a good service from Mr Manure! I'm moving little and often - good for the back, but there's still lots to do!


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