Chippenham Against Plastic?

The local news reported this morning that the town's thinking about going plastic free :)
If it does, it will be the largest town in the UK to do so. Apparently Chippenham's supermarkets are in consultation with local charities to see how it could be made to work. I'm really pleased about this news and will be doing everything in my power to make it happen - I feel another e-mail campaign coming on!

In the meantime, these produce bags arrived last week and I've been using them when buying my fruit n veg. I found out about them courtesy of Polythene Pam. This is a great website to consult if you're trying to cut down on your plastic consumption - I was tipped off about it by Flighty.


  1. Go Us!! If this is a realistic scheme, it might be the start of something really good-and about time too.I shall be waiting for the Gazette with great anticipation this week.
    See you tomorrow.

  2. It's really good to see towns and councils starting to do things like this at long last.
    Thanks for another mention, much appreciated!

  3. We've been trying to give up plastic bags for lent. Slipped once or twice when needs must, but it's a start and this plastic free idea sounds great! :)

  4. I have two blog friends who I send packages to and I have just sent them a shopping bag made of organic cotton, boldly stating that 'this is not a plastic bag'
    Good luck on the scheme!
    (I hope my friends don't visit you and find out what is in the packages! haha)

  5. I started making my own out of yard sale crochet thread. I just use the green Knifty Knitter and made it tall enought to hold a milk jug. They really stretch and hold a lot.

  6. I am definitely going to check this website out, I have just had a quick look. I like the look of the bag you have, looks like just the job for fruit and veg. x

  7. Threadspider - I really hope it comes off. I'm sure we'll do our utmost to make it happen :)

    Flighty - only too pleased to give credit where it's due.

    Paul & Melanie - what a great idea. Are you carrying around your own bags with you now ;)

    Daffy - what a kind friend you are! Did you see the Daffy down dillies too? I thought of you when I was writing the post :)

    aunt debbi/kurts mom - I'm intrigued by your mention of a Knifty Knitter - tell me more!

    Louise - it's a great website. I'm wondering whether we need to check out knifty knitters as well!


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