Totally Tomatoes

I first blogged about these a month ago, but only found them in the shops yesterday. I've since found out that the annual yield of these tomatoes are set to save 250,000 food miles and 12,500 tonnes of CO2 emissions. I still haven't found out the environmental impact of the additional lighting needed, but feel a bit better about buying them now. If only Sainsbury's would use biodegradable packaging...


  1. I think we call 'em cherry tomatoes here!!

    Glad you liked the Yeeew Tube enema story - there's a very funny comment from Old Tom Wigley on that post (he's also a UK blogger)

    And thanks fr your hilarious limerick as well. Keep your eyes peeled - they will now be a regular feature on my blog!

  2. Hi David,

    Yes they're called the same here - my favouites, ymmmm.

    Glad you like the limerick - it fits in with the Bad Poetry of mine I've been posting on here. You shouldn't be so encouraging ;)

    I've strolled over and taken a look at Tom's site on the strength of his sense of humour. There's some great photography on there.

    Don't you find it's a bit weird that I post in the morning and you respond within minutes, yet it's the evening where you are in Oz? :)

  3. Sorry this is off-post, but as it's late night here and midday there, you'll probably see this immediately!!!

    I'm intrigued by your comment (see below and keep scrolling down for my answer, please!!)

    Hi David,

    I've just looked up 'Vegemite Vindaloo' here on Amazon. It tells me the RRP is £11.99. and there are 2 copies available 2nd hand priced at £114.05 and £174.38!

    I'll be buying 10 copies of your next book then ;)


    Is that for real? 114 quid and 174 quid second hand? Ex-cuse me?

    Do you know if they are autographed copies? I actually had a book signing in Calcutta in October 2006 ...

    Anyway, several bloggers have told me they bought brand-new copies of the book at and they are about $7 brand new. I'm told the packaging and delivery is excellent ....



  4. Hi David,

    Yes, unbelievable isn't it - I nearly fell off my chair when I looked! It could be your're very famous over here, or your 1st editions are prized, or the bookseller's having a laugh!

    I know which option I'm going for ;)

    I'll look into the supplier you mentioned...


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