
The country's awash with patriotic flags and bunting and I've been thoroughly enjoying their welcome as I've travelled through many towns and villages in Wiltshire, Devon and Cornwall over the past few days.

Someone's got into the action up at the allotment too, with this display designed (I think) to keep those pesky pigeons at bay. They make me smile whenever I look up from my weeding and also ponder a little - is this a patriotic allotmenteer or someone with easy access to all those flags and bunting?

No matter - have a wonderful Diamond Jubilee - the first we've had in over a century!


  1. Brilliant. So once the jubilee is a distant memory, we have been dumped out of the European cup & the Olympic flame has been extinguished there will a use for the miles of unwanted bunting.

    Best recycling tip of the week.

  2. lovely post ans=d what a good idea for the the bunting lets hope the bunting stays it nice to say we britiah all through the year

  3. Love Simon's comment above, made me chuckle! There's plenty of bunting on the balconies around here as well - I expect it will all go in the bin once the celebrations are over so pigeon bunting is a good idea - and didn't Her Maj look lovely, I expect she was glad of a nice cup of tea afterwards!

  4. What a marvelous accomplishment..60 years as Queen. There's bound to other uses for the bunting :-)

  5. Simon - I'm chuckling and you're absolutely right. Perhaps I need to add my Greener Living label to this post ;)

    Linda - I was pondering that. Places like the USA have their flag flying proudly a lot more than we do

    Caro - it's working a lot better than the person who decided to use Christmas decorations a few years back. They're still digging the tinsel out of their plot!

    Kath - it's made me ponder. The republican argument's been heard quite a bit over the past few days as well. But would someone choose to spend 60 years in the role?

  6. Such a washout today - such a shame too. Good Punch and Judy in the park though.

  7. Brilliant idea for pest control - the noise of it flapping in the wind would put birds off too.
    I must say, I'm not 100% convinced about hereditary monarchy, and neither were a lot of the people I was celebrating the Jubilee with. What made it special for us was the chance to get together with neighbours and family.

  8. TBS - oh, I didn't know about that :(

    Victoria - I'm sure plenty of people felt that way too. My niece travelled down from Leeds for the parade on Tuesday and had a great time though.


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