I Love September For...

This time of the year I always get that sinking feeling. It's a back to schoolish kinda thing; the nights are drawing in and it's the first month of autumn. Blink an eye and winter is here with all that's cold and dark :(

So this year I've decided to do things a little differently and tune into my naturally optimistic side. Years ago when things got really tough at home, I could always conjure up and focus on at least one time where that particular date had been full of joy. Let's try a little of that philosophy again...

... so please welcome a new monthly series: I Love xxx For... and being entirely predictable and unoriginal, I'm starting with September ;)

I'm loving this part of the garden at the moment - for some reason I'm
finding myself drawn to dusky pink and dark red combinations this year
I Love September For...

Why not add what you like about September in the Comments below? Alternatively you're welcome to expand further over at yours. I'll make this a regular post on the second day of the month - if you'd like to join me, you can devise your own list or just focus on one thing. You can respond in writing, with photo(s), or both, make a drawing, compose a poem, or do something else - it's entirely up to you :)


  1. We always try and save some of our days off work for the autumn to give us something to look forward to, it can be quite a dreary time otherwise can't it. The garden is still looking good though, which always makes me smile :D

  2. An excellent idea VP. May well join in although November and February will be real challenges :)

  3. I also devised my meme seasonal celebrations for the same reason...trying to keep optimistic as each season changes and find the things I love in them. I will try to join in here as I can. You can read my loves of the fall months in the Seasonal Celebrations post I just posted Saturday...

  4. Hi VP! I love the apples too! I have to, I have hundreds of them!! I also love the crisper sunny days we get and the anticipation of the leaves changing colour. Asters and dahlias are top of my list of plants. Really like your new series! Being optimistic is always welcome :)

  5. We have, snow on the mountains, a garden full of flowers, today I was gardening in a T shirt and the cats were enjoying the sun, and my Prunus nigra has blossom for Spring Day, the first of September. There will be spring wildflower shows ...

  6. Lovely post thanks for sharing

  7. I loved to read this post. Things are pretty tough here sometimes, I am struggling with a few things right now. So I am happy to know that there are ways to cope. I liked that today was still the summer holidays, even if it was the last day. I got to spend the whole day with my little people. There is nothing better. Thank you for this lovely post.

  8. Lovely post really did enjoy it - something to ponder there!

    I love that September is trickling into autumnal excitement

  9. Hi everyone, thanks for your lovely comments and suggestions :)

    Anna - November and February are the most challenging months for me too.

    Diana - it's always good to be reminded that it isn't autumn world-wide. Your little snapshot of Spring in South Africa gives us all hope for the future :)


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