I Love April For...

... growing
Some flowers for you - fresh from my garden this morning

I love the shift from inside to outside April brings. Seeds can be sown in situ and there's enough light after tea to be in the garden. There's lots of fresh green growth showing the promise of the months to come.

It's a short post from me today because I need to be outside to get growing :)

What do you love April for?


  1. The ground is warming very slowly here and the earth still soggy. I keep wondering if it's time to sow outside but haven't risked it yet. Late seems a better choice than allowing seeds to rot before their first leaves have a chance to be eaten by little black slugs.

    1. Quite right Esther - my garden and allotment slopes means all thst sogginess drains away faster than your garden

  2. Me too, off to plant out some broad beans.

  3. It's tempting, but I'm still sowing indoors as we can have a frost as late as mid May, better to be safe than sorry! Everything in the garden is growing at such a pace, your flowers are beautiful!

    1. Yes Pauline, some indoors sowing will happen here too, but I love being able to shift into sowing direct. I'm on a clay soil here, so a bit of elbow testing (much more comfortable than bottom sitting!) here first :)

  4. I'll be glad to be sowing flower and vegetable seeds this month. Flighty xx

  5. The gateway to spring and the gardening year.

  6. I can get a bit obsessed about being outside and become quite twitchy if it's fine out and I have to do stuff indoors. I've pretty much given up on sowing indoors these days - my house is just too dark, and the sun moves around the garden too quickly at this time of year. My runner beans do just as well sown in the ground, and everything else catches up soon enough. That heat puddle effect in London does have advantages!

  7. Oh yes, April. Every month is a bit chancy in this country, but April is especially unpredicatable, and I love a surprise. Who would have thought we would have had such warm days this week and sand from the Sahara all over our windows?

    1. We had the sand too and after walking up the hill to Ally Pally I found myself coughing afterwards. I was surprised at the time, but now I wonder if it was an early sign of the news about the pollution to come

  8. Lovely photographs. I love April because it's one of the two months when I return to England each year to see my children and grandchildren and celebrate my birthday. When I come back after a week away, everything seems to have grown so much it hardly seems possible that it was only seven days I was gone. Luckily, here in Brittany we haven't been affected by the air pollution. Sandra www.livingin22.blogspot.com

    1. I hope you're having a lovely visit Sandra :-)


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