I Love May For..

... Wild Garlic

A couple of years ago I bought a small pot of wild garlic with the intent of guerrilla gardening it nearby so we'd have a supply to forage close at hand.

At this time of the year, simply drive past Derry Hill on the road to Calne or by the village of Ford on the A420 and the pungent smell of wild garlic fills the car. I love that smell, but neither spot is that accessible and I suspect foraging amongst the leaves at Lacock Abbey - the other place where I know it exists locally - might not be that welcome.

Having bought my pot home, I then dithered about where to put it. The public land next door has plenty of likely places where wild garlic should flourish, but they're also frequented by dogs. Wild garlic + pee doesn't quite do it for me.

I should have known mother nature would find a solution. As you can see, my pot has self-seeded itself on the patio, which makes it an Against the Odds story as well as my I Love choice for May. I'll encourage that flower spike you can see to self-seed itself further along the way.

So now I have wild garlic just a few yards from my kitchen, hurray. It's perfect for my Universal Pesto recipe, or Carl's Wild Garlic 'Slaw - a recent discovery :)


  1. I love wild garlic, and it does spread so well. You'll be overrun before you know it!

  2. I hope it doesn't flourish rto well,

  3. Hi, I'm glad you've got yourself a handy supply now. I'm dead jealous. Have found very little over my way, but did find enough for a wild garlic salsa verde to accompany some fish - http://spadeforkspoon.com/2014/04/27/gurnard-cannellini-beans-and-wild-garlic-salsa-verde/

  4. We have a burgeoning collection at the back of the allotment shed - cooler, darker, hidden. Seems to love it there. and this year I must remember the pesto tip - if he lets me pick some. For some reason he is exceptionally protective of his wild garlic.

  5. Like it! I planted some in the wilder corner of my garden, I love it so much. I'll probably be cursing in a few years.

  6. The Churnet Valley is full of it so thanks to your other readers for the recipe ideas.


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