Things in Unusual Places #16: A Shed

Possibly the fastest shed in the world at Castle Combe recently

Castle Combe Circuit isn't the first place which springs to mind for a shed, but this is the view NAH captured last Saturday. He was immediately behind the pictured shed when he arrived at the race track and after they'd both entered the event, it hung around near the entrance.

It was getting in the way of parking, so NAH wound down his window and shouted: "Oi, would you mind moving your shed?", much to the amusement to everyone else at the time.

We call my car "the shed on wheels" as it's usually crammed with things I need up at the allotment as my actual shed up there is too insecure to store anything of value. I never thought I'd see a proper shed on wheels though.

It belongs to Kevin Nicks from Oxfordshire and as of Sunday, he can now claim to have the fastest shed in the world. It achieved an average speed of 70.8mph at Elvington airfield near York, beating the previous record of 58.4 mph set by Edd China on April 1st (really??? - Ed), 2011. It's also legal to drive on the road, so who knows when this shed might suddenly appear near you.

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I witnessed the wonderfully eccentric lawnmower racing a while ago. I wonder which gardening activity will be taken for a spin next?


  1. Fantastic, a mobile shed, this is exactly what I need. Sheds aren't very secure down at our site either unfortunately.

    1. I wonder if it'll kick-start a fashion!

  2. Iā€™m surprised that hasnā€™t appeared on ā€˜Amazing Shedsā€™. People really do amazing things!

    1. I wouldn't be surprised if it gets featured!

  3. This strikes me as a peculiarly British thing to do ā€“ wonderfully pointless!

  4. What an interesting 'shed on wheels'!


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