How Advertising Works in Chippenham #38

Screen grab from Chippenham's 2015 John Lewis-style Christmas advert

  1. Set up a Business Improvement District (BID) to promote your town
  2. Install wi-fi in the centre of town and promotional flags at key entry points
  3. Create a John Lewis-style video to promote local businesses for Christmas 2015
  4. Wait for a blogger to spot she can't embed the good news into her blog
  5. Et voila!

I wanted to make this a good news story, I really did. There's much to applaud in an organisation dedicated to show the good things Chippenham has to offer. However, I can only give you a screen grab plus a link to our local paper's article about Chippenham's Christmas advert, rather than sharing it directly with you. NB it's worth a scroll down the article then a click on the video to have a look at the town at its best.

There isn't quite enough time at the end to see all the local businesses involved (unless you freeze the frame), so here they are:

  • Amelia Classics (bridal wear)
  • Butlers Butchers
  • Chippenham Museum and Heritage Centre (say hello to our friend Chris who volunteers there)
  • Sarah Jane's Cafe
  • Floral Culture (florist)
  • Humbugs Sweet Shop
  • La Passione (Italian restaurant)
  • Phase Patch (craft and haberdashery)
  • Rivo Lounge (NB go elsewhere if you're after Real Ale, as NAH found out they don't serve it)
  • St Andrew's Church
  • The Brunel (pub)
  • The Buttercross Inn
  • The Craft Company
  • The Garden Restaurant *
  • Thyme (deli and cafe) *

It's good to realise this isn't a full list of the local businesses nestled amongst the national chains found on our High Street.

* = as a garden blogger I feel duty bound to check on these establishments ASAP.


  1. It looks like Chippenham is going all out for Christmas this year. We even got the leaflet over here in Melksham.

    1. I can't remember there being a leaflet in previous years... quite a new departure.

    2. I don't remember anything happening during Christmas when I lived there. It's nice that they're making the effort though - I hope it works out for them. They still have a way to go to beat our Christmas lights in Melksham though! :)

    3. I've always liked the simplicity of Chippenham's lights :)


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