Garden Bloggers' Blooms Day: In the white garden

Rambling Rector rose above the clematis

I usually think of my garden in terms of cool blues and mauves at this time of the year because of the many alliums, clematis and other flowers in full flow.

Whilst they're there as expected, their presence is dwarfed by the outburst of white that's happened over the past week or so, mainly in the trees which surround the garden. Here you can see my 'Rambling Rector' rose which has leapt over the fence onto the public land next door. The clematis you can see are draped over six foot high obelisks which gives you some idea of how high the roses have jumped.

Elderflowers at the bottom of the garden
It's also peak elderflower time, and the creamy flower heads keep the white theme going at the bottom of the garden (click to enlarge the picture if needed).

If you looked at my submission for #mygardenrightnow the first weekend of June, you'll know that bright ox-eye daisies have taken over the lawn. White clover is also making its presence felt (along with some red), and I was surprised to find some sweet rocket lying in the grass at the bottom of the double terrace bed.

I grew this flower in the lower terrace for the first couple of years (2001-2) of the garden's incarnation, only for it to disappear in year three. It must have gone to seed and remained dormant for around 15 or so years. It's a testament to the seed's viability... I wonder what stirred it into action this year, lack of lawn mowing perhaps?

Here's a closer view of some of the most notable white flowers in VP Gardens this month...

White flowers from the garden this June


1. White clover, Trifolium repens - no 4-leafed clover found... yet
2. Rosa 'Kew Gardens' - compare the flower colour with its bud
3. Ox-eye daisy, Leucanthemum vulgare
4. Rosa 'Rambling Rector'
5. Mock orange, Philadelphus 'Virginal'
6. Marguerite daisy, Agyranthemum Molimba® L White
7. Mexican fleabane, Erigeron karvinskianus
8. Nemesia 'Wisley Vanilla'
9. Sweet rocket, Hesperis matronalis
10. A sprinkle of delicate elder flowers which have fallen from the flowerheads above

Rambling Rector and the mock orange are on the western fence and the prevailing wind is combining their scents in a most pleasing fashion. Too bad I can't share that piece of my garden with you. 

Garden Bloggers' Blooms Day is hosted by Carol at May Dreams Gardens.


  1. Wow! Beautiful!
    Happy Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day!

  2. Wow I am impressed by what you have growing in your garden. It's fantastic.
    Have a wonderful day.

    1. Thanks Marijke, I enjoyed playing around with the group shot :)

  3. Rambling Rector will keep growing and growing and looks great at this time of year.

    1. Don't i know it - I have to give it a severe haircut several times a year!

  4. I can almost smell that Mock Orange...oh no that is my Mock Orange I am smelling. ;)
    Your white rose is amazing. It looks like it might take over the world. Happy GBBD.

    1. The scent's amazing isn't it Lisa :)

  5. I love white flowers in the garden. They brighten up a shady corner. Mock orange is amazing right now with its heavenly scent.

    1. I don't usually have them all blooming at the same time, but they're welcome nevertheless

  6. I was just writing (on another blog) that I often wonder why flowers are the colours they are - because with a few cultivated exceptions it is not for our benefit? White blossom often attract moths and other insects at night, but mainly in the spring months it seems - but why blue / purple for gentians or pink / red for foxglove?

    1. Crikey, that's an article in itself Mark. I know bees are particularly attracted to the colour blue (Jekka McVicar told me), and that what we see isn't necessarily what they and other insects may see...


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