ABC Wednesday - H is for...

... Half Century

2 of these from yesterday...

... = 1 of these today.

For other Hale and Hearty H's, do visit the ABC Wednesday blog.


  1. Happy Birthday!!!

    Did you know you are the same age as Barbie? So here is your virtual cake served at one of your favourite places


  2. Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary. Two great achievements. I wish you all the best for the next half-century!

    Best wishes Sylvia

  3. Hi VP, a very happy day of your birth, or belated if it was yesterday! You and Barbie, the cosmos were busy that year creating creatures of wonder and delight. :-)

  4. Happy birthday and anniversary -hope you have had a lovely break to celebrate

  5. Congratulations - happy birthday and happy anniversary. Hope you had a wonderful break. What a clever post for H!

  6. congrats & much more! hope that there was plenty of happy-cake (to quote an almost 3yrold) to go around!!

  7. Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary, VP! I hope you and NAH have had a wonderful getaway celebrating these milestones.

  8. Wishing you a most Happy Anniversary and a Happy Birthday VP. I hope that your special days have been filled with fun and flowers !

  9. Congratu-congratu-congratulations! see you tomorrow!

  10. Heartfelt happiness on your half century, and also congrats on your wedding anniversary. It warms my heart when couples can stay together so long!!

  11. Most hearty congratulations, twice doubled, VP! I'm glad you got whisked, though I missed you while you were gone. Welcome back.

  12. Many, many happy returns to you and congratulations to you both.

  13. Congratulations for your 2 happy events! Hope you had a great time away and that the weather was kind to you. Great to have you home though! xxx

  14. Happy Anniversary & Happy Birthday! What a great celebration you must be having.

  15. Hi VP. Double congratulations.


  16. Happy anniversary and birthday!
    I hope that you've had an enjoyable, and relaxing, few days away! xx

  17. H for Helena Here! Happy birthday and Happy anniversary!!!!!

  18. Happy birthday VP ...

    ... and a late happy anniversary to you and NAH for yesterday. Hope you had a really good holiday.



  19. Hope you had a wonderful birthday and anniversary!

    MY ABC Wednesday post is at
    More of Me - EG

  20. Happy Birthday! and an anniversary, too! That is why you were whisked away! I hope you had a wonderful time celebrating both these important events! gail

  21. What fun - Happy Birthday! Happy Anniversary! I love parties. :)

  22. Congratulations. I was in Chippenham yesterday, getting lost trying to find The Causeway. At least I got to Lacock garden centre ok.

  23. Oooh, a double celebration!! Our birthdays are close to our wedding anniversary too! We had a big combined party on our 25th.

    Happy anniversary and birthday! :)

  24. Thanks for your good wishes everyone - needless to say we've had a fab time the past few days :D

    I'm playing catch up at the moment, but will be over to yours for a visit very soon!

  25. Happy 50th...I did that last year and it's awesome.

  26. I seem to have perused this list and not actually got round to wishing you happy birthday and congratulations... Doh! As Homer Simpson is wont to say. I know you had a great time away and looking forward to hearing allllllll about it!!! And many many happy returns my dear. xxxxxx

  27. Happy Birthday! Sorry I am a little late in sending wishes. Many congratulations on your anniversary too. We celebrated ourselves last year, although for us, 25 years of unmarried bliss! x

  28. Happy belated Birthday and congratulations as well - what a great week!


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Your essential reads

That blue flower: A spring spotter's guide

Jack Go To Bed At Noon

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VPs VIPs: Derry Watkins of Special Plants

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Make Use of Mildew

The Resilient Garden

Chelsea Fringe 2014: Shows of Hands - Episode I

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