Veg Plotting is Away

I've been whisked away by NAH for a few days as we have some rather special things to celebrate. In the meantime, here's some crocuses from my back garden to cheer you up - I'll be back for the next ABC Wednesday, where my H will tell you a little bit about why we're celebrating...

Besides, I've just realised this is my 600th post today, so I think a deserve a little rest :)

If you're looking to post your URL for this month's Out on the Streets, you need to go here. And even if you don't have a URL to post, you might like to have a look at what everyone else has to say on the subject of public planting.

Whilst I'm away, how about telling me about your favourite sign of spring in the comments below. Is it the crocus like those in my picture? Perhaps it's daffodils, snowdrops, intense birdsong, swelling buds, catkins - or something else?


  1. I haven't seen any yet - none the less, now you mention it, I think catkins are my favourite sign of spring.


  2. VP I hope you have a lovely time. Today the crocus look really lovely, jewels of purple and yellow against white sparkling snow. The best sign of spring for me is the longer days, seeing the garden before and after work. Despite the snow we had yesterday spring is definitely in the air.

    Best wishes Sylvia

  3. Catkins and especially Pussy Willow coming in to flower. Swiftly followed by my Hellebores in flower.

  4. My favourite sign of spring is seeing our fish hungry and moving vigorously again. I always forget, every year, how much they enliven the garden. This might seem odd with a red setter about, but somehow the fish seem like the garden's true inhabitants, as though the garden itself had come to life.

  5. VP .. Enjoy the time away with that special person .. wink wink !
    Spring is long in coming .. bird song is the first sign .. then rain washing the snow away is the second .. BUT .. I already have little heads popping up , telling me some wonderful flower signs will be calling me to go get the camera and have some fun !! : )

  6. 600th post! Congratulations VP
    Very impressive you are a true blog guru.
    Enjoy your time away and thank you for the lovely blooms.

    xoxo Tyra

  7. the smell rising from just-thawed ground as the sun warms it!

  8. Daffs, they do it for me every year. Such bright, happy faces. Oh and the longer days - turning the light on at 3 or so kills me in winter!

  9. Catkins and pussy willow, like Zoe.
    And crocuses. And daffodils, the fresh smell of the first cut of lawn. The warmth of the sun on your back as you weed the newly grown weeds.

    Have a great time!

  10. You have been posting a lot lately - you could use a nice break. Congratulations on reaching the 600 post mark. That's quite an accomplishment.
    My favorite sign of spring is when the Great Blue Herons and Great Egrets return to the pond.

  11. Enjoy your time away and those special celebrations VP :) My favourite sign of spring is that magical day when the clocks spring forward.

  12. Just the first thing that germinates in the greenhouse in January or February gives me hope! For me it was a few tomatoes in the heated propagator!

  13. My favorite sign of spring? The warm wind. Seriously. I love the wind.

    Have a great time while you're off the boards, and tell us all about it when you come back.

  14. What a beautiful crocus - which one is it? all mine are darker.
    I love catkins, daffodils, the song of a blackbird, lengthening days.

  15. My favourite first sign of spring is the saxifrages flowering in my little alpine bed. There is a sulphur yellow one that is lighting up the bed even now as the evening light dims.

    I hope H stands for Happy whatever it is you have been up to.

  16. I hope that you're having a good, and relaxing, time! xx

  17. My mother always says: 'When the blackthorn in blooming on all of his thorns, than spring really has arrived' ('Als de sleedoorn bloeit op al zijn stekels, dan is de lente echt daar!'), and for that reason, it doesn't feel like spring for me, until I have seen the blackthorn blooming.

  18. Have a lovely time - and I'm watching the bluetits investigating bird box cam - fingers crossed that they build a nest...

  19. 600, that's a lot of blog posts! My favourite sign of Spring is the primrose. I hope you are enjoying your days away. x

  20. Hope you have a great break.My best sign of spring is not very gardeny but is feeling able to peg out the washing!

  21. Thanks for all your good wishes and telling me about your favourite things about spring. I was expecting everyone to say sunshine a dffodils, but you've come up with quite a variety amongst you - hurrah. It shows that there's so much to appreciate when Spring finally arrives :D


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