A Warm Welcome to Grow Your Own Readers :)

I'm delighted Grow Your Own Magazine has chosen Veg Plotting as one of the first blogs to feature since its recent revamp. For those of you arriving here after reading your copy this month (or indeed any Saltburn allotmenteers arriving via their local magazine), it's lovely to see you and I hope you'll quickly feel at home :)

You'll see to the right there's some summary Pages to help you get started which includes a bit about me plus an introduction to my garden and allotment plot. Below this there's a selection of some of my Popular Posts: I see quite a few people lately are discussing whether tomato grafting is any good, so you may like to have a look at my post on this topic.

If you wish to home in on a particular subject, there's a Search box you can use at the top left of the page. This is just like Googling, except the search and results are restricted to what's here on my blog. Staying on the left hand side, but further down, you'll also find a Labels section, which shows the broad topics I write about and the number of articles written for each of them. Using Search or Labels will present you with a series of appropriate articles I've written in reverse date order and you can simply page through them as you like.

Last week I showed my proposed plot plan for 2011, so you can have a look at what I'll be growing this year plus a few of the projects and experiments I'm hoping to complete. You may also like to see my Allotment Dreams written in early January. What are your hopes for your plot this year?

As it's early in the year I've been catching up with my reading and there's a couple of book reviews you may be interested in: Digging for Victory is a detailed look at the well known WWII campaign and is quite an eye opener. Organic Vegetable and Fruit Growing and Preserving Month by Month is the latest opus from Garden Organic's former directors.

Next week I'll be telling you about a fantastic workshop I went to in Oxford recently given by Seeds of Italy, so you may like to look out for that.

Grow Your Own also mentions my trips to Dyrham Park and RHS Wisley last year. I went to a perry pear day at Dyrham Park in October which was fascinating and I'll certainly be returning to Wisley again - at less of a gallop - to look at their orchards and vegetable plots.

I do hope you'll enjoy your visit and would like to come back sometime. With this in mind I've provided a number of options on the left hand sidebar to make it easier for you to not miss a thing. If you have a Google account set up, then the Follow facility is for you. Or if you already read blogs using another reader such as Bloglines, then you might like to Subscribe to my RSS feed. Finally, there's an Email subscription option which will pop my latest article into your inbox whenever I publish something.

Finally, do dive in, enjoy and if you have any questions or anything to say about my blog in general or on a specific post, then we can start a conversation in the Comments either via the link below or via the one below the particular post you're looking at.


  1. Oh wow! I am following a celebrity. I knew I was onto a good thing even before you were famous!

  2. Isn't this fun!

    Congratulations VP on writing such a popular and informative blog.

    As a regular reader, I feel as if I'm a near neighbour and wonder if those of us who come here often should offer a welcome too!

    So - hello VP's visitors and new followers!


  3. Hazel - that's very kind of you :) Celebrity's probably stretching things a bit far though, as blogging's a relatively small pond!

    Esther - thank you and what a good idea. I'm sure a welcome from regular readers is exactly what new ones would like :)

  4. Fame strikes - I am sure you will remain your usual modest self even after the paparatzzi start chasing you.
    Just picked up January's edition yesterday at Wisley. Now I will have to look for Febs!

  5. hah! I had to smile when I saw your name up in lights in my edition - it dropped on my doorstep this morning :D

    You see I knew GYO were a magazine of great taste and discernment ;D

    lovely to see you yesterday xx

  6. Good news, I like that magz.

  7. Congratulations! I haven't heard of that magazine before and I am definitely going to check it out -- sounds like my kind of read. :)

  8. Chippenham's clearly buzzing with top bloggers I'd say, wouldn't you?

    And last call - do you want that water butt or not? It's all dismantled and ready for you. If not, could I just take up the allotments and leave it as free for good home?

  9. Now perhaps I know why Craig wrote a fairly jaundiced post about GYO... perhaps he wasn't included:-)
    Well done VP and well deserved mention. Your blog is one of the best - well organised and with unique focus.
    Welcome to your new visitors - enjoy!

  10. Oh well done you VP and well deserved! GYO is one of the mags I have pruned but will have to find a way of having a sneaky peek at a special edition:)

  11. WTG VP - you certainly seem to be notching up lots of successes!

    *Waves* to VP's new visitors, I am the weird one that usually sits in the corner quietly watching everyone else.

  12. EG - *blushes*

    TCG - I see GYO have included your picture in this edition. However something went wrong during the print run and you and the rest of the pictures on the editorial page are outlined in green in my copy :|
    Lovely to see you too - I enjoyed your write up and like you I also covet those cloches!

    Hermes - thanks and I hope you enjoy the latest edition!

    Eliza - for you it'll just be the online experience but there's some good chat going on in the forum

    Mark - eek I must have imagined I'd emailed you to say I can't put it where I thought I could 'cos my allotment neighbour wants to grow stuff there. Will catch up with you via email - I have exciting news!

    SG - thank you *more blushes* ;) The blog feature is very new, so there's lots of time for others to be included

    Ewa - thanks :)

    Anna - psst it's on page 87 ;)

    Zoe - nice to see you've delurked for a little while. I must go and put a link to your new blog on my It's Been a Pleasure to Meet list - well worth a visit folks!


Your essential reads

That blue flower: A spring spotter's guide

Jack Go To Bed At Noon

Red Nose Day - Gardening Jokes Anyone?

VPs VIPs: Derry Watkins of Special Plants

#mygardenrightnow: heading into summer with the Chelsea Fringe

Make Use of Mildew

Salad Days: Mastering Lettuce

Chelsea Fringe 2014: Shows of Hands - Episode I

The 52 Week Salad Challenge Begins

For National Tree Week