GBMD: The Wise Gardener...

The wise gardener... is one who makes his gardening a joy and not a chore

From a sign seen in the garden at the Garden Museum in June. I'm trying to heed that advice and looking at my first-time grown tree lilies® is helping enormously :)


  1. Wow, they are stunning, and what an amazing picture. The quote is good advice I think. I am struggling with the feeling of being overwhelmed at the moment, and for all of the hours put in, not really ending up with a pretty space, or even a neat space. But I know it will pass and I will fall in love with gardening again.

    1. Yes I fall in and out of love with my garden and allotment too. This past couple of months has been love mainly because it's been so good to be outside after last summer's dreadful weather!

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you - I'm trying a new camera out at the moment :)

  3. Wow!! Awesome photo, Michelle! I love the way you've caught the light and the water drops on the petals, crisp and v beautiful! GBMD? Garden bloggers ??? day. (I am so thick sometimes! Please help!) xx

  4. Hi Caro - it's Garden Bloggers' Muse Day as shown in the Label section at the end of the post ;)

    It's a monthly meme started by Carolyn Choi of the then Sweet Home and Garden Chicago blog. She moved over a year ago and hasn't re-started it (yet) with her new blog from Carolina.

    The idea is to post a Muse (poetry, quotation, a saying etc) on the first of the month. I've chosen to stick with it, even though Carolyn isn't hosting it any more.

  5. Good advice!
    Beautiful flower!
    Lea's Menagerie

  6. It's surely not worth doing if you don't enjoy it, and the same with blogging! Flighty xx

  7. Lea - thanks :)

    Flighty - absolutely. Sometimes we need reminding though!

  8. Such wise and true words...thanks needed to hear them again!

  9. A fine sentiment VP and a great photo to accompany it.

  10. Donna and Anna - thanks :)


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