ABC Wednesday – J is for…

…Jars of Jam

Or Jelly for those of you reading this across the Pond. 2005 was rather a good year for soft fruit in VP’s family and we’re still eating the produce. I made the gooseberry and rhubarb & ginger; NAH’s mum gave us the raspberry and blackcurrant ones. We’ve also done a rather nice line in recycled jars don’t you think? The rhubarb & ginger was made on the hottest day of the year – temperatures were well in the nineties. I was ready to melt by the end of it all.

Click here for raspberry, blackcurrant and gooseberry jam recipes; or here for the rhubarb & ginger one. In my usual style I don’t bother with the crystallised ginger but use a little more root ginger instead. Taste any of these for an instant summer.

ABC Wednesday is bought to you courtesy of the letter J and Mrs Nesbitt’s Place.


  1. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh what a perfect “J”…we have the most fabulous grape vines here and the Jelly is awesome…

    But that will wait until early September Your recipe link is wonderful THANKS…

    Our gooseberry, blueberry and current bushes are still developing and are not quite ready for Jam or jelly. Instead I weed then pop a few into my mouth…the bushes are only starting their 4th season…

  2. Wy did'nt I think og that??? Just a great choice for the letter J!! Nice shot:)

  3. Who doesn't love jam and your's looks delicious!
    I was going to post on jam but realized I didn't have any.

  4. I did not even think of JARS....I didn't have any jam to take pictures of anyway but I did have jars. Good "J" post.

  5. I did not even think of JARS....I didn't have any jam to take pictures of anyway but I did have jars. Good "J" post.

  6. Home made as well. Yummi! :)

  7. Very good idea for ABC "J"!

    Our plums and apples ....budding as we speak.

  9. Jam out of strawberry as posted by me.
    Good choice

  10. That`s a great choice for J.Have a nice day:o)

  11. Raspberry jam, on hot buttered toast,is my favourite! xx

  12. One of the best-tasting Js so far - do you have any jam to spare?

  13. VP
    Yum! What a delicious post. ;-)

    BTW, we make both jam and jelly on this side of the pond. Jam has suspended fruit in it, jelly is clear. ;-)

  14. Taste the home made jam, great ABC post.

  15. Homemade jelly or jam are always scrumptius!

    T make a link do this but don't leave any spaces in the href or /a part:

    your name followed by

    Hope that goes through.

  16. o darn the html did not work right . . . trying again Well, it won't let me so just give Denise your email and she can tell you how to do it. Sorry!

  17. Great choices, thanks for including the recipes. I plan on making some jam this suumer

  18. Wonderful choice for J. I'm always impressed with anyone who has the patience to make jam! I have always called it jam and I'm from across the pond. I'll be over later for some toast and jam...
    could you save me some blackcurrent?

  19. Reminds me of the hot summer days when my mother would be steaming over the steaming pot of jars and stirring the mixture to make all sorts of jams, jellies, pickles, and fruit for us to enJoy all year.

  20. That will go with my Peanut butter great looking Jam

  21. we have jellies and jams over here... jelly usually has no seeds...jams on the other hand are the whole thing. all are tasty on scones, muffins..toast...oh, that does it..I'm off to make some toast...!

  22. Appetizing jam!
    And your cat is lovely!
    Miss Yves

  23. yes of course JAM is also a J I like also always the most simple things, This post is very good I like it,

    Greeting from ABC's 'J' JoAnn :)

  24. Good choice for J. I no longer have time to make jam, maybe I will one day.

  25. We have both jam and jelly on this side of the pond. I much prefer jam, as it has more body.

  26. This is a great post.....I love jam and these recipes look good.

  27. Thanks for the recipe links. We get lots of blackberries here. They grow wild along the roads and I've always wanted to make some jam. Maybe this year. - Margy

  28. Hi everyone - glad you like the Jam and the recipes! You know what, I've 'had' to have toast with jam each morning since making this post as those jams are oh so tempting :)

    Runee and ellen B - we do have some spare if you don't mind jam that's 3 years old. It seems to have kept well though and you'll need to hurry before I eat it all...

    Dirty Knees and Bumblevee - we make that distinction between jam and jelly too. Jelly can also mean a fruit flavoured dessert made using gelatin (hence gelatin = jellatin = jelly). Also Bumblevee - thanks for your first comment on here!

    Paulie - thanks for the link help - I'll see what Mrs Nesbitt does next week...

    Miss Yves - glad you like our cats - guess what K might be next week?

  29. Rhubarb and ginger sounds tempting - I might have a go later in the spring. My mum used to do a lot of jam making when I was a child. I was a reluctant helper in the kitchen on jam making days. I have vivid memories of flicking many a wasp out of the kitchen window and of fishing endless plum stones out of the pan :)

  30. Anna - I have similar memories too. Do try the rhubarb and ginger jam recipe, it's yummy :)


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