Happy St Patrick's Day!

No, I haven't got the date wrong - it is indeed St Patrick's Day today. At least according to the Catholic Church it is. They've moved St Patrick's Day as it's regular slot on Monday is in Holy Week - so secular feasts need to give way to the big one. I'm sure this won't faze my ex-Irish colleagues at all - it'll be an excuse for 2 enormous parties (or even a continuous one) instead. It's all because Easter's so early this year (the earliest since 1913 to be precise), thus proving as far as national saints go, there is such a thing as a moveable feast. The last time it happened was in 1940, when the day also coincided with Palm Sunday. The next time will be 2160, so enjoy the Craic whilst you can!


  1. VP .. great party post girl !
    It is weird having St. Patty's Day so close to Easter as well .. almost as close as 28 years ago when I had my son during a snow storm in Nova Scotia !
    Ian .. is a double Celt .. Scottish and Irish, thus the STORM ? LOL

  2. Joy - bet you had 1 big party this weekend?


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