ABC Wednesday - R is for...


I took this photo two days before Christmas last year and knew straight away it would be my 'R' shot when I decided to take part in ABC Wednesday. As you can see it depicts two of the rules applicable to allotment sites in Chippenham. There are a whole lot more detailed in the plot contract I had to sign when I was assigned my plot just over four years ago. These include no subletting my plot to others, not making a profit from my plot, not keeping animals, keeping it cultivated and tidy at all times etc. These rules vary slightly from town to town, for example I know of sites where animals such as chickens and bees are allowed.

All the plots on my site are let and there is a waiting list in Chippenham now, so this year the allotment committee is being much more fastidious about adherence to the allotment rules and contract terms. Regular plot inspections are being held and plot holders informed if theirs doesn't meet the more detailed guidelines issued in the last allotment and garden society newsletter. I have to confess I failed this year's first inspection at the beginning of May in the matter of tidiness owing to my pile of 'useful things for later' left out on my plot. I have until the beginning of June to make amends. I'm not complaining - I should have done something about it sooner. I'm now working very hard and hope the inspectors view my plot much more favourably next month.

Do go to Mrs Nesbitt's Place for a whole host of ABC photos on the theme of R.


  1. Rules are a nice choice for the letter R. Nice shot too.

    Have a wonderful week:)

  2. ah rules....:D That is great choice for R theme...

    Will you visit mine Thanks

  3. Gosh I am very glad we have no rules! I'd have been kicked off long ago if we had to be neat ;)

  4. Oh if only my son were as humble about the need to clear up his room as you are about your plot ... :)

  5. R is for Arrrrrggggghhhhh! Allotments can bring out the Hitler in people. Taking my dogs to the plot is all part of the enjoyment, and I'm seriously thinking about keeping rabbits just to be awkward - it's my right under the 1950 Allotments Act whatever the rules say. Excuse me now, I'm just going to mutter mutinously to myself now for the afternoon.


  6. I'm glad I don't have anyone inspecting my garden--I'd be kicked out of the gardeners' club, the garden blogging world, and anything else to do with gardening!
    Good luck on your next inspection.

    I've finally responded to the tag you gave me, VP. And I even joined in on the ABC meme today; couldn't pass up the "R."

  7. Great choice for R! Rules and inspections make it all sound a bit scary though!

  8. Clever post .. and good photo .. I like this R!


  9. Rules eh, how typically British!

  10. Great choice for R post:)Nice shot too:D
    Petunia's ABC

  11. Great choice for R! Nice photo too.

  12. I had no idea there were so many rules for allotments!

  13. Sorry about the inspection outcome,it was a borderline decision. We are trying to pressure the council into finding another allotment site. A rather forlorn hope I think! Growing your own has become far too popular, the waiting list is still seventy plus and unfortunately we have had to get a bit tougher. Rules is rules!!!

  14. Rules have their place in keeping order in society. A good R.

  15. I actually love rules....I am a rule follower but a blunt person if that makes any this post!
    My R's are
    here Neva
    and here Neva's2.

  16. ABCers - I've left comments over at your place. Thanks to everyone for their comments.

    Lisa - it may happen to you one day if the waiting list in your area grows!

    Sue - I had to come clean as part of the story don't you think?

    Simon - thanks for your support. I hope your bad mood didn't last very long!

    Rose - Thanks and well done on the tag and ABC

    Anonymous - thanks for the feedback, the first I've had about the inspection. It's reassuring that my plot was borderline and I hope you'll notice the difference next month! Good luck with the council re getting a new site - as Chippenham's growing in size so much, surely there's a good case for at least 1 new site for the town?


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