Strange Brew

I think NAH is trying to tell me something - he's decided to plaster the pictured fridge magnets all over our cooker. Our fridge door is wooden, so we have to be a little more inventive with where we display our magnet collection. I believe NAH's message isn't just a reminder about our reusable carrier bags - which I've been using for the past two and a half years, well ahead of him. What do you think?

Any road up, I took said bags shopping with me yesterday. Whilst there I experienced a bizarre role-reversal conversation. I bumped into our Doctor and asked her if she's feeling better now - she's been on sick leave following a back operation. We both grinned.

Back home, I switched on the TV to catch the local weather forecast only to hear the announcement that Radio Wiltshire has installed a webcam in a bluetit nest box. Am I the only person to think that's a bit strange or is everyone used to the multi-media world we live in now?


  1. The concept of a Radio station with a webcam slightly puzzled me; how do they intend to show their viewers what is going on via the radio? Then it dawned on me (it's far too early yet to engage brain) that I suppose via their website?

    I loved the piece below about old garden programs, and have to say I am a Geoff Hamilton devotee, and have several of his programs on DVD (kids upgraded me from video last Xmas), and really enjoy watching Paradise or Cottage Gardens again.

    Best Wishes,


  2. Apparently you can watch some presenters via their webcam/site while they're on the air which rather defeats the point of radio but what do I know?!

    Those Sainsbury bags caused a bit of controversy, I think, some people thought they weren't very respectful of the old. Sigh.

  3. Aha, a Sainsbury bag! I remember shopping Sainsbury and Wavy when we lived in Bucks...Beaconsfield to be exact...this post made me feel rather nostalgic...thank you. David of course sent me over!

  4. Opps, I meant to mention the webcam...could be they just wanted you to have a birds eye view?
    Sandi (again) (I do tend to go on and on...)

  5. Hi, I arrived via David. I wish I could get a web cam installed in my barn owls nest in my house, we had 7 babies last year. I'd be sat at the computer all night. My husband always takes an old bag to the supermarket, namely me! Debs x
    P.S. Your Jess cat is sooo like my Dudley cat!

  6. Zoe - that's right, but it still feels strange to me!

    Mrs Be - too right. I'm trying to take my husband's sense of humour in the right way...

    Sandi - welcome! And thanks to David for getting over to visit :) Hope you have good memories of the UK

    The Lehners - welcome too :) I love barn owls. I had to help feed some out in Mallorca that had been abandoned in the barn where we were staying


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