Garden Bloggers' Hoe Down - My Favourite Hoe

To celebrate the first Garden Bloggers' Hoe Down hosted by Carol at May Dreams Gardens, I thought I'd bring along my favourite hoe to show you. Those of you in the know will recognise it instantly as being from the onion hoe breed, one of the smallest and lightest of the hoe family. It's my favourite because:
  • It fits in my garden tool bag, so its always there when needed - no long journey to the shed to get it
  • It's small, so works perfectly in my 4'x10' vegetable beds
  • I seem to manage to get the weeds easily without getting my precious plants at the same time - something I always manage to do with my other 2 hoes
  • I bought it at The Great Dorset Steam Fair on a very hot day - so it always brings backs memories of a great day out I had with NAH
  • It was very cheap - £1.50, but is still extremely sharp after several years of constant use

I also have dutch and a draw hoes - but these are imprisoned in the allotment shed whilst Mr & Mrs Robin bring up their family, so they couldn't come to the party :(


  1. So you did have robins nesting in your shed, that's great, although not so great if you need to get to a tool? My dad often gets them in his, they shun ours! x

  2. I like that little hand hoe. I have one very similar to it and often use it for smaller beds. Someday, once the robin eggs have hatched and the birds are gone, I'd like to see your other hoes and compare them to what I use.

    Thanks for joining the Hoe Down today!

    Carol, May Dreams Gardens

  3. Heigh Hoe, good morning. I see we have a hoe in common. My hoes are getting some days off work because it is raining. Stop by The Gardener Side and visit.

  4. That looks like a hoe that I need. I don't own any little hand hoes, but I'm sure I will after viewing all the hoes participating in the hoe down.

  5. I'm making my way around to all the hoe down attendees. I like your handy hoe very much... you've described it as one I could get used to very easily. AND it carries memories of the day you bought it... that's always a bonus!
    have a great weekend.
    meems@ HOE and Shovel

  6. A handy looking hoe VP !

  7. Louise - I've hidden my key tools in the compost bin at the side, but sadly forgot the other 2 hoes:(

    Carol - looking at your hoard, you definitely have examples like my other 2

    Crafty - mine's working like crazy at the moment!

    Sherry - and I know just the person to provide you with one ;)

    Meems - welcome & thanks for stopping by! See you over at your place

    Anna - it is - that's why it's my favourite!


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