I'll Show You Mine if You Show Me Yours

San over at A Life With a View is a new discovery for me thanks to Authorblog (g'day David). I'm enjoying her stories of Life in Santa Fe, which also bring back memories of our last stateside holiday in 2001 as we stayed there for a few days. She's tagged everyone who wants to play with the meme I've seen on several people's blogs recently and as I've been wanting to participate for a while, who am I to say no?

As you can see, the meme is to show everyone your desktop. Mine's looking much tidier than of late as NAH cleared off all the unused icons a couple of weeks ago. That's not the reason why I wanted to show it off though. NAH chose the screensaver for me about 5 years ago from my first forays into digital photography. Whilst I now have thousands more photographs to choose from, I never tire of seeing this one when I turn on my PC. It's another Acer - Acer shirasawanum 'Aureum' *, aka the Golden Leaf Full Moon Japanese Maple (who on earth makes up these names?).
The picture was taken not long after I'd bought it, so it was easy to take it looking down at the top of the tree. The shot also gives a clue as to what lies beneath - an underplanting of 2 Pieris japonica 'Little Heath' * and an Azalea (now renamed as Rhododendron Diamant Group, red-flowered *). I'd been inspired by looking at some photographs of Japanese gardens, but as we're lacking the required acid soil, I decided to create a mini Japanese garden in a pot. The pictures above and below show how the assemblage has matured since the first picture was taken. These were taken yesterday.
I'm not going to tag anyone specifically for this meme as I've done a couple of others recently. I think I'll carry on in the spirit of San's and invite anyone reading this who hasn't done this one already to join in if you want. Please let me know if you do - I've shown you mine after all ;)

* = I couldn't find a non-sales website to give you more information about these plants. Needless to say the chosen websites are not sales recommendations as I've never shopped with them. However they do have good photographs, hence my choosing them this time.


  1. I love this combination of the Japanese maple and the azaleas with japonica. I can understand why you enjoy your maple on your desktop. My desktop currently is a photo of the red rock formations in Sedona, Arizona, which I visited in January. I love the photo, but it also connects me to my daughter who lives there.

    Read your post on your choir's performance; that would have been such a thrill to perform in the gardens (now I can't get that tune out of my head!).
    And I haven't forgotten your tag--will let you know when I write that post. I'm getting behind.

  2. Rose - I'm glad you like it, though I'm intrigued by your rocks at Sedona - I remember they're very dramatic. Are you going to post yours?

    Yes - everyone thoroughly enjoyed themselves and I can't get the tunes out of my head either!

    Don't worry re the tag - you're welcome to take your time...

  3. I am back from my travels and am finally getting around to view your most lovely desktop.

    Thank you for linking to me too. I appreciate that so much!

  4. San - you're most welcome. Only to glad to give credit where it's due!


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