Cat Sitting & Skimble the Bold

Our neighbours over the road are away, so we're cat sitting for them at the moment. M came over to hand over the house keys a couple of days ago and cheerfully announced Fluffy's gone off cat treats. Since when do cats not go for cat treats I ask you? I think our two have in-built radar for when a hand goes for the treat jar in the cupboard, they appear that quickly. Honey decided to greet 'Uncle NAH' yesterday by crapping on the floor - luckily in the conservatory and not the carpet this time. So it's a lot of fun over there - I think I'll let NAH continue to deal with them for the time being ;)
Last night our next door neighbours came round for drinks, nibbles and a good old catch up. A arrived home from a GNO earlier this week to find Skimble eyeball to eyeball with a fox in front of our house. Neither animal was giving in until A got out of her friend's car, broke the spell and the magnificent fox melted away into the night. Until now we'd thought Skimble was a bit of a scaredy cat apart from when he's bullying Jess. Today we think differently.
That's some cat! Hard to believe from this latest picture....
ReplyDeleteBrave old cat! They looks so comfy on the bed, butter wouldn't melt!
ReplyDeleteJust called by to thank you for your kind and sensible words regarding Tall Girls school. I know you're right, but it all gets out of proportion at close quaters!
Hope the Bank Holiday weather gets better for tomorrow!
How brave he is. I think Trixie would have ran and jumped on the roof.
ReplyDeleteTS - I almost posted a picture of him yawning instead!
ReplyDeleteSuburbia - no problem, only glad to say something when I've experienced it myself. Hope you had a good holiday :)
Aunt Debbi - what we don't know is how many times this has happened and Skimble's jumped on the roof!