Thanks for Visiting

Last night, just after I'd finished blogging for the day and was in bed writing up my garden diary, my 10,000th visitor crept in (at 23.45.07 to be precise) after Google searching for water butt, where they were taken to my ABC Wednesday G post. I do hope they enjoyed my musings on vertical gardening in Chippenham as there was only a fleeting reference to what they were actually looking for. Sadly the potentially more apt piece for them didn't mention water butts, it just had a picture of a most unusual one instead.

So, to whoever it was in San Francisco and to all my other 9,999 visitors since I started last November, I salute you and here's the most unusually positioned bunch of flowers I've ever seen as my gift to you - captured at Chippenham station last Monday morning. Now, having a bunch of flowers next to your driving wheel might be considered a little quirky, but to team those Gerberas (do click on this link - the photography's stunning) with a bright yellow Volkswagen Beetle's just plain inspired. For once the flowers are in a bug instead of being infested with them ;)


  1. Congratulations on your 10,000 visitor!

  2. My OH and I always peer into Beetles to see if they have an appropriate flower. Artificial sunflowers are always popular, but those gerberas are lovely!

    Congrats on your 10,000th visitor.

  3. Congratulations on your 10,000th visitor; that's pretty amazing, though I'm still unsure what a "water butt" is.
    Thanks for answering my question about Ringo, VP. I did finally check out the website for the Chelsea Show last night. I don't know of anything in the US that huge! It would have been a heavenly way to spend the weekend.

  4. You have a great site congratulations!!

  5. Congrats VP. Simon.

  6. Karen, anonymous & Simon - thank you!

    HM - I didn't know Beetles owners were renowned for flowers in their cars. You learn something new eh?

    Rose - I'll do a post specially for you explaining what a water butt is. Glad you liked the link and I'm still catching up with all the coverage!

  7. VP, the Beetle has a vase on the dashboard - an ideal accessory for the horticultural motorist.

  8. HM - Aha, that explains it then! :)

  9. Congratulations on your 10,000th visitor! I'm still trying to work out how you get the info!!

  10. Suburbia - I must remember to come over to yours and tell you about it!


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