Please Bear With Us - Garden Viewing in Progress

You may find your UK garden blogging pals a little quiet this week. It's the annual gardening feast that is Chelsea that's to blame you see. Many will brave the crowds to visit - the rest of us will be glued to the TV for the daily lunchtime and evening broadcasts, starting this evening. This will result in major anxieties for us gardeners - I don't have the right colour/ plants/ accesories for this year; there's not enough in bloom in my garden; I need a water feature; I so loved that garden, I need to create my own tribute to it; I simply must have that... (insert your own long list of beauties here) etc. etc. As a result, we'll be making even more visits to our local nurseries/ garden centres/favourite plant sales websites and spending more time frantically working in our gardens to get them up to scratch.
So do bear with us during this stressful time - we'll be back with you shortly ;)
Update: The link I've provided takes you through to the RHS Chelsea website - it is their show after all. There's plenty to see on there. They also provide a link to the BBC website which in previous years has had all sorts of goodies such as 360 degree tours of the show gardens. Both sites will give you a very good idea of what all the fuss is about.
Oh I'd forgotten it was Chelsea - I'm so jealous. I'll be off to the BBC website when I've a bit of time this week. As I'm out of the country I can't usually get the programmes, but I can drool over the pictures.
ReplyDeleteI 'did' Chelsea once many moons ago, BC (before children), and it was a wonderful experience but for information I think the county shows are better to visit as the stallholders have more time to talk. 3 counties and the Bath and West were the ones I went to.
I've been to Chelsea once, but much prefer smaller local shows!
ReplyDeleteI've only had a garden for 10 years and since then I have been glued to the BBC coverage of the event every year. The only thing that bugs me is that they tend to repeat some of what they have shown us at luncthime in the evening. x
ReplyDeleteBeautiful peony. I have not seen one so red before. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteGardeners here in Canada rave about the Chelsea show too. In fact, some travel to the UK specifically to take the show in.
I know someone who's there now taking photos she promises to share with her friends. ;-)
As for garden fashion, I'm not really into that. But if I see a plant I like, I usually fall head-over-heels for it.
I'm in two minds about Chelsea - I'd love to go, but only if I was like the Queen, and could view it at my leisure. Probably better on TV, especially with the 'red button' which last year gave us a chance to look at lots of stands in the marquee.
ReplyDeleteI'll be at Chelsea on Tuesday, bright and early at 8 am, and then I shall disappear before it gets mad at around 1 pm. RHS's Website is a good place to do some reading up about the respective shows too, and also Crocus have master plans and planting plants etc that 3 of the 3 big designers are using as they supplied them. You can also order the plants used in the gardens from them.
ReplyDeleteBest Wishes,
I love Chelsea, I have been once a long time ago. Watching on TV, it is the garden designs I like.
ReplyDeleteAn interesting though on your blog, does the show affect my garden? I had to think about that but the answer is no, I just love the perfection that is achieved but I wouldn't want it in my garden. I think at the end of the week I have more thoughts on what I wouldn't want in my garden! Perhaps the influences are just not obvious.
Visit Victoria's Backyard for some preview photos.
Best wishes Sylvia (England)
This sounds like great fun! If I lived in the UK, I'd certainly try to visit the show. Thanks for the link to the BBC website; we used to get the BBC on cable, but no longer.
ReplyDeleteVP, I have responded to one of your memes from a week or so ago--the desktop. I intend to respond to the tag you gave me on Wednesday, so pop in whenever you have time after the Chelsea show is over.
I've watched the Chelsea Flower Show on telly for years now but so far I haven't felt pressured into buying anything of changing anything in my garden either. I find Chelsea both amusing and annoying.
ReplyDeleteWhats this 1st prize at Chelsea, ought to be, great photo. well done.
ReplyDeletePop and see my R post.
I'm so envious of people like you who live in places with fertile soil that will grow such beautiful things, places where there's rain to water those beautiful things.
dnd - I will go to Chelsea one day, but I suspect I may draw the same conclusions as you
ReplyDeleteFlighty - hello, I enjoyed Malvern and RHS Cardiff. I think they're more like local shows
Louise - that's reassured me that I don't need to watch lunchtime as well as evenings x
Sara - thanks for the compliment. It was a pressie from NAH's aunt when we move here
Dirty Knees - I'm surprised it's so popular. Hope you enjoy your friends pics
HM - I think the TV coverage is hard to beat, though you don't get the same atmosphere of course
Zoe - thanks for the info on the planting plans - must go and check them out
Sylvia - EmmaT has some good photos on her Indyblog post. You've given me food for thought - probably to discuss in a later post
Rose - so glad you can use the link and I'll hop on over to check out your memes
Yolanda - another thought provoking comment to add to Sylvia's
IMAC - you flatter me! :)
San - you're right, we're lucky. I do have happy memories of Santa Fe though