A Christmas Gift Selection

Some  Christmas gift ideas from 'the trug of plenty' ;)

Windowsill chilli growing kit
A pocket money gift idea
Suitable for medium-hot spicy food lovers or those with little GYO space
Contains everything needed - just add water
The container and lid form the growing pot and drip tray, though you might want to add a nicer pot for a more stylish gift
A new idea from Hen and Hammock
Made in Shropshire from oak
Ideal for gardeners who do a lot of potting on, or marking out rows for sowing e.g salad leaves
The back of  the dribber can be used for tamping down compost

Plant families card game
A fun game derived from Happy Families
Also teaches the binomial naming system devised by Linnaeus
A total of 36 plants from 9 different plant families are illustrated
The beautiful drawings are also suitable for framing
I found these when visiting Chelsea Physic Garden last year and couldn't resist!

Bosch Keo cordless multisaw
Ideal gift for the gadget minded gardener
Uses a rechargeable Lithium-ion battery
Comes with a saw blade suitable for cutting wood. Other blades for plaster board and metal are available
With the guard removed, I've found it ideal for awkward places where it's difficult to use my usual pruning saw
Look out for pre-Christmas special offers

Other gift ideas included in my trug are Ethel gloves for the most glove-aphobic, Felco secateurs and garden gift vouchers. In previous years I've also enjoyed some Pink, Pink Sunshine from my niece and nephew, plus a Brother garden labeller.

Disclosure: all items were donated for review purposes except for the plant families card game, felco secateurs (which I won), the garden gift vouchers (a present I'm always happy to receive) and the pink hyacinths from my niece and nephew. The trug is my own and would also make a nice gift!

What would you choose?


  1. That time again ... I enjoy giving presents, I don't mind spending the money as I love shopping ... it's CHOOSING the presents that's the problem!

  2. Hi Pat and welcome!

    I love giving presents too - I'll be buying some of these for friends and family :)

  3. That saw looks interesting - and somewhat weird. I've no use for it, but that wont stop we wanting one.

  4. That saw looks fun! As does the card game. Too bad it isn't sold stateside :/

  5. Mark - it's the guard which makes it look a bit odd. We were mightily relieved on the testing day to find it was removable. However, having said that, it was a good thing to have when sawing through wood which is easily accessible.

    Petoskystone - does Bosch not have a sales team in the States? The card game was devised by the Chelsea Physic Garden, so I'm not surprised that's not available.

  6. Thanks for the most timely suggestions VP - may well treat myself to a dribber - it looks a most natty piece of equipment :)

  7. Hi Anna - good choice :)

    I'm adding a tub trug to the list as I've ripped open my favourite large purple one whilst emptying out a compost bin on the allotment this afternoon :(

  8. Dribber is such a versatile tool, would make a great gift for me... :)

  9. The dribber seems to be a smart thing to have. You have a nice blog! :-)

  10. Some nice gift ideas there. I really like the look of the card game.

    Are they the Felcos you won on my blog too?


  11. I'm always looking for gift ideas. The plant card game looks interesting - something to keep in the potting shed for those times when you're waiting for a heavy shower to pass....


  12. Marina - perhaps you need to leave this blog post + your comment lying around for Santa to see ;_

    Bettina - welcome and thanks for Following :)

    Ryan - they are :)

    Wendy - the instructions include the Memory Game (which I also know as pelmonism), which would certainly pass the time in the potting shed if you have no-one to play Happy Families with


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Jack Go To Bed At Noon

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