Wordless Wednesday: Yellow


  1. Most of our native trees are evergreen and I have to say I miss the beautiful Autumnal colour changes you get in Europe. Just spectacular.

  2. Lovely, the leaves at the feet of the tree form a reflecting pool of gold.

  3. I could almost say snap, but ours is orange! And our lawn is burgundy, as the Prunus has suddenly decided to drop most of its leaves in one whoosh.

    Lovely to see your yellow. There's nothing like autumn colour :-D

    PS Thanks for embedding the comment form - I do like to be able to scroll up and look at the post while I'm commenting on it. Having suggested it, I now need to do the same myself ...

  4. Liz - thank you :)

    Hillwards - you have added some lovely words to my 'Wordless' :D

    Juliet - I love how there's enormous pools of colour on the ground at the moment. It'll soon be swept away here as our forecast says windy for tomorrow. Your part of the country is about the only bit not covered by a flood warning on the Env Agency's map at the moment!

    There's pros and cons with the Comment Form options - I don't like how there's an enormous gap to my comments welcome and policy on this form, but both you and Karen quite rightly pointed out I was making you remember what I'd written by using the Full Page option, so Embedded it shall be for now.

  5. Oh such golden deliciousness VP.

  6. What a beautiful picture! I am finding that autumn can be just as beautiful as spring!


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