Ash Dieback Resources

Further to my post lamenting the potential loss of the ash trees at the side of my garden, here's a recap of  the useful links I've found, so we can all do our bit to provide identification of potential outbreaks ASAP.
And here's some hope for the future - a recent study in Sweden suggests some trees have resistance to infection.


  1. Here's another link for your collection, VP, the tree disease section of the Woodland Trust site.

  2. Thanks Juliet - I get their email newsletter so have been keeping up to date with their stuff via that

  3. Good info. I'm so sorry about your Ash trees. My native oaks have Sudden Oak Death. I've lost so many of my trees on our wooded lot.

    On another note, Happy Thanksgiving. I'm glad you can have small amounts of wheat again. I doubt I ever will, but it's all good. Enjoy the season VP!~~Dee

  4. This story makes me angry. If action had been taken in 2009, much more could have been done to slow its arrival (from the sound of it, it was inevitable given the spreading of spores) and prepare people - now it sounds like it is all too late. Having last night seen a film showing the accelerated shrinking of glaciers worldwide, I have this awful feeling that the canary in the coalmine has already passed on. Governments need to be so much quicker to acknowledge the death and not hope that it's just having a rest.

  5. Dee - we have Sudden Oak Death too, though it doesn't affect our native oaks. Tens of thousands of larch trees are being felled at the moment :(

    Lu - it's made me angry too.

  6. Thanks VP, this is a really good resource. Must download an app, though I've not spotted any ash trees near us as yet.

  7. Thanks for this post -- I'm sorry about your trees. There's an interesting article by Germaine Greer in The Telegraph, she writes:

    'The disease was first noticed in Poland 20 years ago, they screamed. Why weren’t we told?'

    It's worth a read.

  8. Janet - I'm keeping a close eye on ours.

    Treetop - yes I read that article and it's a good one as you say. I decided to keep to source information for this piece as they're more likely to be updated with information as the fungus spreads through our trees.


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