Salad Days: A Lettuce Line-Up

Now cropping. From top right to bottom left we have: Amaze, Antarctica, Black Seeded Simpson, Dazzle, Freckles, Marveille de Quatre Saisons and Relic. The large picture is Dazzle again.

So after my marathon sow-a-thon earlier in the year, we now have quite a variety of lettuce to choose from for our dinner. Having lined up a selection of leaves for their individual mug shots, I've started to really appreciate their differences in form, colour and size.

And soon I shall need a selection of glutbuster lettuce recipes ;)

How's your salad coming along? Leave a comment below or the full URL of your Salad Days blog post via Mr Linky. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The 52 Week Salad Challenge is sponsored by Greenhouse Sensation.

Note to readers: sponsorship goes towards my blogging costs and does not affect my independence


  1. I really like the Black Seeded Simpson lettuce, though to be fair, I haven't tried the others you have pictured. They look delicious, too.
    Thanks for hosting Salad Days.
    Lea's Menagerie
    Mississippi, USA

  2. Lea - it's the one variety I know is available across the pond. Not sure if any of the others are. It would be good to swap notes on the varieties available in the States, especially for my tried and trusted list :)

  3. We've just started to pick our first salad leaves - planning to blog about it next week and I'll link up then :)

    1. By the way, I've only recently stumbled upon your blog, and I've been enjoying your last few posts. Thanks.

    2. Hi Jenny - lovely to see you! You're welcome to link up with your salad at any time :)

  4. I like the look of Dazzle! Black Seeded Simpson is a champion heh! and so hardy.

    Great photo collage.

    1. Hi Bren - Dazzle's definitely a keeper :)

  5. They all look wonderful. Some of the same varieties I grow. You have reminded me I need to get some more in the ground - mine are starting to bolt.

    1. Sorry for the delay in replying CJ - now's a good time to sow if you haven't already!

  6. My lettuce was derailed by ants in the raised bed and we salvaged a little. I am trying to grow it in some containers and the rain has been constant. Hopefully we will see more sun soon. I love trying many varieties.

    1. Ohhh we have an ant problem here too :(

  7. Its amazing the different forms and colors of the simple lettuce ! There are a few varities in your pics that are new to me.........well most in fact! except freckles which I grew for the first time last summer, let go to seed and are now counting the 10's of little seedlings popping up everywhere !!

    1. Freckles is an excellent variety and liked by many on this side of the pond too :)


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