GBBD: Seasonal Cyclamen

I'm really enjoying these warm, pinky red Cyclamen outside the back door this month. I have a couple of pots of them at eye level, so I can't miss them when I step outside into the garden and they're about the only flower on top form. Whilst there's still quite a bit of colour elsewhere, most of it's in terminal decline. I don't mind really as all is at it should be and whilst I have the Cyclamen to greet me, all is well.

I tried to photograph some of the Cyclamen hederifolium which are naturalising themselves under the birch tree in the front garden. I planted 3 a few years ago and they're slowly spreading themselves outwards. However, sugar pink flowers and gloomy undergrowth does not make for good photography and despite lying on my tummy on damp leaves to take their picture, the resultant photo revealed some overexposed pinprick blobs :(

When they've stopped flowering, I'll push their seed heads down into the damp earth to help them spread further. There's always lots of leaves around from the birch and ash trees above, so I feel I need to give them some extra encouragement. Hopefully it means I'll soon be able to show you great swathes of Cyclamen, just like the ones I have in my mind's eye for that part of the garden.

How's your garden blooming this month?

Garden Bloggers' Blooms Day is hosted by Carol at May Dreams Gardens.


  1. I love cyclamen. I have tiny white ones - by tiny, I mean three or four inches high. They spread by small, round corm things which sit on the surface. I decimated a load early in the year when I moved them twice so perhaps I should try burying their heads too?

  2. I have a tiny forgotten pot of white cyclamen that is blooming now. I found it under a shelf on our patio last month and it is a great fall gift.

  3. How funny--I just order four cyclamen this morning! I love them and somehow never added them to our shady garden. Yours are lovely--I can't wait to get my new babies in the ground! Happy GBBD!

  4. Now that's a pot full of instant cheerfulness VP - just what is needed for November.

  5. Those Cylcamen are so lovely...I've always wanted to try growing a few under some trees :-)

  6. They are like little butterflies...Love cyclamen a lot.

  7. Hi everyone - I'm glad to see Cyclamen have plenty of fans :)

    Esther - burying their heads after flowering certainly won't do ant harm. I do it for mine because of all the leaves means there's a chance the seed heads don't reach soil level.

  8. Love this flower and leaf. I never knew you could push the seed heads underground...will have to try it.

  9. Donna - it's really easy to do, though nature's usually very good at doing it for itself :)

  10. I adore cyclamen, and such a good idea to have them up at eye level. I really should plant some in my funny little wall pocket, I've put crocus in for spring, but cyclamen would be the perfect size. I'd hoped there might be some already in this garden, but it seems not...


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