A Bargain Offer and a Book Giveaway: Counting Steps

This is a very fine book written by Mark, my fellow Chippenham blogging buddy. I'm proud to have a signed copy with the message "in friendship" written inside.

If you like your reading thoughtful, funny, sad, memoir, raw, landscape, family, nature and a whole host of other things, then this is the book for you. This is writing which defies a single classification and stays with you for a long time afterwards.

This week there are two ways in which you can enjoy Mark's book for free...

The first way

... for those of you who have a Kindle or the Kindle App and it's available for the next four days only on Amazon. 

There are no catches - just a free download instead of the usual £4.49. There's even an extract to read online. 

Giving away free copies might seem counter intuitive, but it's an established technique publishers use to rise up the rankings - and the impact on later sales is evidently positive. It costs publishers a lot to do this... 

... the word is getting out there on how we need to support our small, independent British nurseries and British grown plants to keep these businesses thriving. The same applies to our small independent publishers like Cinnamon Press, the publishers of Mark's book. 

If you can, please take the time to download Counting Steps - and send on the link, email your friends, tweet it, Facebook it,  mention it on your blog - any way in which you can help to get the word out there is appreciated. 

The second way

Mark's generously given me four copies for a blog giveaway. So if possible, why not download the book in support of Cinnamon Press and enter your name for a copy of the book too? All you need to do is leave a comment below saying you'd like to take part.

This is open to UK readers only - I'll be posting these to you at my own expense and the cost of sending books abroad is pretty pricey. This giveaway closes at midnight GMT on Sunday, November 10th and I'll need to be able to contact you via your comment.


  1. I downloaded it yesterday, not sure when I will get to start it though, on book 2 of a series of 4. I always love reading books written by people I know, offers intriguing insights into their psyche!!

    1. Well, you'll meet Mark and his wife Jane, who sings in the same choir as me. And then there's Dylan, who proudly announced 'there's a whole chapter in that book about me', when Mark gave me the books for this giveaway :)

  2. I don't have a Kindle, but I am so glad publishers like Cinnamon Press exist. Thank you for the giveaway VP.

    1. Well, CJ you really need to thank Mark :)

  3. Thanks for this and your generous comments - I do hope your readers enjoy the book

    1. It's my pleasure Mark and I'm delighted to make up for my lack of blog review last year in such a positive way.

  4. Oh that sounds a good read so will download on Kindle later today VP, though it may be some time before I manage to read it. Have vowed not to borrow any more library books until I've caught up with unread books in bookshelves and on my Kindle :) Thanks for the recommendation.

  5. I've just become acquainted with the Kindle App and discovered the riches that exist within the world of free Kindle books. I may never emerge from such a world again.

    Until the battery needs re-charging at least ;)

    1. PS I realised that I forgot to say please do not enter me for the draw VP. More than happy with having the book on my Kindle. Glad to read that you are enjoying the Kindle app :)

  6. That's very generous of Mark and yourself. Please don't enter me in the draw this time. Flighty xx

  7. Sounds delightful and I need an excuse to go to bed early at this time of year. *Crosses fingers*

  8. I have the kindle app on my ipad and love it! I've just downloaded this book and will look forward to reading it after my current book 'The Earth is Enough' - also about landscape and families! Thanks, both Mark and Michelle, for this!

  9. I don't have a kindle, but good luck to Mark, hope the message gets out, Great giveaway too!

  10. Thanks everyone and good luck!

  11. I would like to be included please.


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