I Love My Job

Last year I attended the RHS seminar Horticulture a Career to be Proud Of which looked at the skills gap crisis in horticulture and why it's rarely highlighted as a viable careers option in schools.

As a follow-up they produced a very good report earlier this year called Horticulture Matters. However, I think their latest offering of 10 short videos from young people working in horticulture under the #ilovemyjob banner is far more powerful. Watch John talk about his own business as a nurseryman and you can't fail to be won over.

If the above embedded video doesn't work, try this link instead.

NB if there are any teachers reading this, students currently studying horticulture at my local college have their pick of 5-6 jobs when they qualify. Not all of them are on low pay either. Here's a link to the Grow website which has lots of information about the wide variety of careers available in horticulture.

Here's the full playlist of 10 videos:



  1. Great to see such a positive campaign get under way, will be very interesting to see if it makes a difference. And when we see young(er) presenters on tv gardening shows... Bring back Alys!

  2. Great to see a familiar face VP. John came along with his dad to our gardening club a few years ago when he was nowt but a slip of a lad. His dad Peter was our speaker for the evening. John returned more recently and is a brilliant speaker who grows happy and healthy plants. Great to read that the RHS have produced some careers information in a format that young people are likely to use. I wonder how they are informing schools and organisations like Connexions that these videos are out there. As a former careers adviser I could probably write for England on the subject of careers information but will take myself off and read the 'Horticulture Matters' report instead :)

    1. Hi Anna - I remember seeing him at Tatton show last and thinking how good it was to see a young nurseryman. That's why I chose this particular video :)

  3. Great to see people starting out in horticulture and enjoying it so much.


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