I Love November For...

... this Blog

Today I can quote A.A. Milne and say 'Now we are six' as it's my blog's birthday. However, unlike the poem, Veg Plotting won't be staying six for ever and ever, and the more I learn, the less I think I'm clever.

Thank you for your continued readership and thoughtful comments - it's like having my own team of cheerleaders :)

The picture is of me reading my blog in a new way  - to me anyway - in the garden. More on that to come...


  1. Happy Birthday VP, and here's to many more!

  2. Happy blogiversary! May there be many more to come. Flighty xx

  3. Congratulations!
    Have a wonderful week-end!

  4. Oh you've convinced me now that November does have at least one redeeming feature. Many congratulations on your six not out - long may Veg Plotting flourish! xxx

  5. Happy birthday to your blog! Is that a new toy for its birthday?

  6. A very happy blogiversary. Six years is pretty impressive. I think I must be up to six months now! I do enjoy visiting here and reading your posts, thank you for all of the effort you put into it.

  7. Happy birthday M. That looks an impressive tablet there...

  8. Thanks for your good wishes everyone :)

    Sue and Mark - sadly the tablet is something I've had for just 2 weeks to evaluate as a 'garden gadget'. I have to give it back tomorrow!

  9. Happy Blogaversary VP, glad you won't be staying 6 though ;-) Looking forward to your tablet post - I rather like having mine outside on occasion, but I do tend to get the screen filthy...

  10. If it was your wedding anniversary, you would be getting presents of Candy,iron or Wood. So hope you had some candy in the house from Halloween. Here's to another 6 years:-)

  11. Congratulations, six years is a great blog-age but here's to many more to come :)

  12. Congratulations on your 6th Blogaversary, VP :-))) As you may remember, we both started during the same calendar month. Although I began the year before you I am trailing well behind you with your outstanding record of regular blogs posts!!! Well done you - give yourself a pat on the back and a hug from me x


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Your essential reads

That blue flower: A spring spotter's guide

Jack Go To Bed At Noon

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