GBBD: Cute Cyclamen

Can you spot which are the cyclamen leaves and those of the ivy they're named after?

Each year I'm pleased to see the return of my Cyclamen hederifolium in the front side garden. It's a bit of a miracle they survive really as my neighbour always covers them with several thick layers of leaves with his leaf blower. There were about triple the number of blooms on view, until the leaf blower made its first annual appearance at the weekend...

On the whole I don't mind my neighbour's antics as my border is benefiting from some more Compost Direct as outlined last week. However, I did worry at first my cyclamen wouldn't survive owing to the timing of their cover up. Now I see I can relax as I've spotted at last they're beginning to spread out from the spot where I planted them 10 years ago.

I don't usually go that much for pink flowers, but these are a delicate sugar pink which looks just right and helps to light up the shady spot I've given them. This morning's low slanting sunlight suits them rather well too.

We've enjoyed a mild autumn so far, but today that's set to change as the wind is due to move round to the north to reveal its more wintry side. Next week's tasks looks like they'll include cutting down the dahlia stems to make the mulch for their duvet.

How's your garden faring this Blooms Day?

Garden Bloggers' Blooms Day is hosted by Carol at May Dreams Gardens.


  1. Happy Blogger Blooms Day! I'm glad your cyclamen have survived their burial and are now blooming happily :)

    1. Thanks Jenny - I think I might bury their seed heads into the leaf mould later in the winter to give them a helping hand :)

  2. Cyclamens are in bloom here, always a welcome treat in the autumn. Plus the foliage is fab!

    1. The foliage is indeed fab - I also have some of their more tender cousins in the garden - planted to see if they would survive - and I don't mind if they don't bloom because their silvery foliage is wonderful.

  3. I've got some little cyclamen that are always covered by a very blowsy peony. I've cut it right back now, and the cyclamen are doing well, although they always carry on whether or not they are covered. Touch little things. I spotted some Christmas Box in flower this week, so I think winter must be here.

    1. My Christmas box is still in bud CJ, I'm looking forward to its scent too

  4. Lovely Cyclamen!
    Happy Garden Bloggers' Bloom Day!

  5. The cold, rain and wind have taken their toll on the plot and nearly all the flowers have now gone except for some pot marigolds and a couple of nerine bowdenii. Flighty xx

    1. Salvias are still doing well here Flighty, though I'm sure this weekend's forecast frost will soon change that!

  6. Beautiful cyclamen! I am starting my first cyclamen from seed this weekend, and a gardening friend sent me some plants he started as a surprise gift. Can't wait to see how they fare in my garden.

    1. What a lovely surprise and it means you don't have to be so patient with your seed :-)

  7. It's only recently I've realised how varied cyclamen leaves are.

  8. Cyclamen are such beautiful little plants, flowering at just the right time of year when everything is winding down. We have quite a lot now that their seed is being spread by ants, more and more come each year brightening shady corners and other places where I wouldn't think of putting them.

    1. I didn't know about the ants spreading the seed, they have a use after all ;-)

  9. I love cyclamen, and that it a beauty. I really must get my act together for next year, but it is just as well I delayed too long as I am going to have to trample all over where I would have planted them to put up a new fence thanks to the storm!

    1. Sorry to hear about your storm damage Janet - I hope it hasn't affected your garden too much

  10. These are such sweet little blooms. I found one in my garden a few weeks ago and wasn't even sure what it was--I had forgotten I'd planted some cyclamen:)

  11. Such lovely flowers...nothing much here but a few surprises with our warm up of late.

    1. We still have a few blooms hanging on Donna, though I'm sure that'll change after today - winter is definitely on its way!


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