
Showing posts from March, 2008

Franks Plants

For me Spring has really arrived when Franks Plants starts up for their Spring/Summer season. These plant sales alternate each weekend between 2 primary schools on either side of town. They've started a little earlier than usual owing to the early Easter and should continue until mid June. Their second stint will go from August Bank Holiday weekend until the end of October. It's a great place to go for basic annuals (grown locally), perennials and shrubs at much cheaper prices and better quality than the local DIY stores and garden centres. Each week there's usually something a bit more unusual - this time it was large box topiary balls and pyramids, plus standard olive trees. See if you can spot them - you may need to enlarge the picture ;) This week I bought some sweet peas (having forgotten to sow them last Autumn) to grow up one of the arches on the allotment, 3 Helenium autumnale 'Helena Gold', and 3 Camelot foxgloves - a relatively new perennial variety,...

Plot Views - sunshine at last


A Surfeit of Shallots

As reported earlier re my onion worries , I now find that I've gone in the other direction and over ordered my shallots for this year. I usually save my own from the previous year's Pikant crop, but I was so certain they'd all go mouldy before planting time, I ordered some backups. Whilst I was there, a freebie French variety ( Pesandor ) was on offer, so I thought 'why not?' and added those to my order too. Of course, this meant my saved Pikant sailed through the winter unscathed (unlike their larger cousins used for cooking), so I have three times the usual number of shallots to grow this year. Ironically Thompson & Morgan had a complete failure of their Pikant crop from their supplier in the Netherlands due to the dreadful summer, so they sent me Springfield instead. I finally got round to planting them this week - I know, I know I'm a month late, but illness and the rotten weather conspired against me. After dealing with the garlic glut too, my plan...

Earth Hour

I'm indebted to Anna*, one of my regular Commenters who recently told me about Earth Hour . This WWF event first happened last year in Sydney, where the city was pretty well blacked out when participants switched off their lights for an hour at 8pm. If you look at the link, it has a dramatic satellite shot of Sydney when the big switch off happened - what a difference! This year the event goes global and you can join in too. Just turn off your lights for an hour at 8pm tomorrow (your local time) - perhaps have a candelight dinner (preferably with beeswax candles), or go to a movie, star gaze in your back garden, have a (ghostly) story telling session with friends and family - it's up to you and you can pat yourself on the back for a) participating in a global event alongside millions b) doing something about your carbon footprint and c) saving some cash off your energy bill. As NAH is away at the moment, I've decided to have a relaxing candlelit aromatherapy bath. Mmmm - a ...

Book Review - New Gardening: How to Garden in a Changing Climate

I was lucky enough to be the first winner in The Garden Monkey's (GM) Big Bash Books a couple of weeks ago and bagged this one as my prize of choice. It caused quite a stir on its publication at the back end of last year and has been on my 'To Read List' ever since. It sets out to redefine the RHS ' best practice and its author Matthew Wilson, has been at the forefront of shaping this during his time as Harlow Carr's Curator. He looks at how we can garden in harmony with nature whilst reducing our impact on the environment. You may think he's preaching to the converted, but believe me there's plenty of gardeners out there who don't have this enlightened way of thinking if Chippenham's anything to go by. Sustainable it ain't. The book starts with a look at climate and the soil, a refreshing starting point - these vital elements are often overlooked; then the themes of sustainability, wildlife gardening, and gardening in a drier climate are tack...

Yes, there really is a use for couch grass!

Hot on the heels of my snail tip earlier, I have solved a major gardening mystery and finally found a use for couch grass today: Dig over plot extracting every scrap of couch grass, until back hurts Collapse in a heap by side of plot Notice lots of slugs dug up during couch removal exercise Select a really pointy bit of couch root Skewer slug with couch (no actual slug handling is required - phew!) Remove couch and leave slugs for Mr and Mrs Robin to find Dispose of couch grass in the usual way (choose your preferred method) A surprisingly satisfying experience. Thankfully my homicidal tendencies extend only to couch grass, bindweed, slugs, snails, aphids, ants and vine weevils - so there's no need to be alarmed, you're quite safe ;)

What to do with all those snails

Ha ha ha - revenge is total and it is mine! Exit VP stage left, laughing evilly... The plant is Clematis viticella 'Polish Spirit' , having a good think about whether to start sprouting its buds this year. The snail shells are from all parts of the garden. My niece is particularly good at finding more empty ones to add to the pot.

How to Give a Cat a Pill

Skimble on top of the fridge Since adding our purrfect felines to the sidebar, a number of you have said how much you like them. So, receiving the joke below from my friend Linda gives me the perfect excuse to post another picture of Skimble - in one of his favourite spots. I'll be giving the lowdown on both of them next week... How To Give A Cat A Pill Pick up cat and cradle it in the crook of your left arm as if holding a baby. Position right forefinger and thumb on either side of cat's mouth and gently apply pressure to cheeks while holding pill in right hand. As cat opens mouth, pop pill into mouth. Allow cat to close mouth and swallow. Retrieve pill from floor and cat from behind sofa. Cradle cat in left arm and repeat process. Retrieve cat from bedroom, and throw soggy pill away. Take new pill from foil wrap, cradle cat in left arm, holding rear paws tightly with left hand. Force jaws open and push pill to back of mouth with right forefinger. Hold mouth ...

ABC Wednesday ā€“ J is forā€¦

ā€¦Jars of Jam Or Jelly for those of you reading this across the Pond. 2005 was rather a good year for soft fruit in VPā€™s family and weā€™re still eating the produce. I made the gooseberry and rhubarb & ginger; NAHā€™s mum gave us the raspberry and blackcurrant ones. Weā€™ve also done a rather nice line in recycled jars donā€™t you think? The rhubarb & ginger was made on the hottest day of the year ā€“ temperatures were well in the nineties. I was ready to melt by the end of it all. Click here for raspberry, blackcurrant and gooseberry jam recipes; or here for the rhubarb & ginger one. In my usual style I donā€™t bother with the crystallised ginger but use a little more root ginger instead. Taste any of these for an instant summer. ABC Wednesday is bought to you courtesy of the letter J and Mrs Nesbittā€™s Place .

Environmentally Friendly Easter Eggs?

On Sunday, we went to Poole to visit NAH's aunt. We had a lovely time, were spoilt rotten and given an Easter Egg each on our departure. Naughty Bunnies - Us? We chomped our way through the first set of goodies yesterday, yum yum. Whilst making breakfast this morning, I idly glanced at the back of the packaging: A better choice for you and the environment ? Let's examine this claim: The box is made from 75% recycled cardboard and can be recycled again - pretty good The egg and sweets are made in the UK - that's good for me, less food miles Great care's been taken concerning nuts, ensuring no artificial colours & flavours, plus there's lots of information about the ingredients - all good information for allergy sufferers and vegetarians BUT hang on: The contents are held in clear plastic & it doesn't tell me what type of plastic it is - no chance of recycling it & it's not really reusable The egg and sweets are made in the UK - no good for thos...

Blogger Word Verification ā€“ A New Feature ;)

Warning - unlike my usual posts this one contains rude words, no matter how misspelled. If you object, then please move swiftly on... Bob T Bear (esq.) is currently having a Word Verification competition as it seems that a context sensitive feature is in random beta test in Blogger at the moment. Bob has had Arsul in response to the quality of his typing. As he says so eloquently: I try me best! But wiv ownly pors to type wiv it aint always eezy! Onnistly! Wat a cheek! Yesterday, when replying to a couple of Comments re my losing a key posting I want to link to, I received the extremely rude opinion below on my Save as Favourite skills: Well! I trust Blogger will amend this feature to provide more constructive criticism before implementing it on a wider, more permanent basisā€¦

Help Wanted - Garden Blog Types Article

I'm putting a post together introducing my blog to new readers and want to link to a piece on Garden Blog types and styles I read recently via Blotanical . This was the post that talked about Single theme blogs, multi-theme blogs etc. etc. I thought I'd bookmarked it at the time, but sadly I didn't - more fool me :( It was a great article that generated a lot of comments. Can you help me track it down please? I haven't managed to using the usual search facilities... Update - from the couple of Comments I've had so far, I think I need to describe the Posting I have in mind in a bit more detail, so here's a summary of my Comment reply: I've already got Jodi's recent articles on Blogging lined up as Links for another part of my piece. Nor is it to do with The Powerguides . The Post I'm looking for is from about a month ago when someone wrote an amusing article on the different types of bloggers e.g. single theme - does what it says on the tin, but you...

Holding Back the Spuds

Easter's meant to be the time to get yer spuds in - on Good Friday and with your earlies to be exact. However, I don't think the advice applies this year due to the very early Easter combined with the snow/frosts we've had (and still forecast to get) the past few days. Any road up I don't think my cold clay soil would pass the 'bare bottom sitting test' advocated by Bunny Guiness on Gardeners' Question Time a few weeks ago! Therefore, I'm leaving my spuds to continue chitting away in the dining room for now. They've got much more in the way of shoots today as the picture was taken just under a month ago when my freebie spuds arrived. They're are a relatively new early variety called Vales Emerald . I suspect I'll have to rub some of the shoots off before I plant them, leaving just 3 strong ones - you can have too much of a good thing. I'll also be planting Ulster Sceptre (another freebie - bred in the 1960s and meant to be high yieldin...

Happy Easter Everyone

I donā€™t have pictures of the Easter Eggs Iā€™ll be consuming, nor fluffy chicks, bunnies or a religious symbol associated with Easter. Thereā€™s plenty of that around already to make you smile. Instead, I Googled ā€˜Easter Poemsā€™ yesterday and found Easter 1916 by W. B. Yeats . I feel I should be more familiar with this Nobel laureate, and I fell in love with this poem immediately. You may think itā€™s a sombre and perhaps controversial choice for an English woman as it deals with the Easter Uprising in Ireland (though I have visited the General Post Office on O'Connell Street in Dublin and seen the bullet holes), but to me now itā€™s a reminder that not everyone will be having a great time today whilst we're all feasting away, and just one day can make a real difference to the way our world turns. Itā€™s also made me think about valuing my friends, family and the comforts I have at the moment. Iā€™ll also try not to be the woman in the poem whose voice has grown shrill! I have met them ...

World Water Day

It's World Water Day today - designated every 22nd March to raise awareness of the issues concerning water supply across the world and to gain commitment from people like ourselves to reduce our own impact on this precious resource. I could write a post suggesting 5, 10 or even 50 ways you could use less water, but I'm sure you know already about turning the tap off when brushing your teeth, installing a water hippo in your loo's tank, blah, blah, blah. That's been done many times before and by people far more eloquent and persuasive than me. However, there's a way to save water in the garden I've not seen in many places and it's one I've been using in my garden and allotment for a while now. Based on the principle 'a pint of water at the roots is worth the same as a gallon at the soil's surface', I install water pipes like the one shown in the picture whenever I plant a tree or large shrub. The pipe is cut to the length of the planting hol...

Allotment Petition - Sign up NOW!

I first blogged about threats to allotments in January, but Simon at The Plot Thickens' recent posting about a proposed development in Hungerford reminds me that the deadline for an online petition to the Government is nearly upon us. It's about giving the same protection to non-statutory sites (can go at any time) as statutory ones (needs ministerial approval for development), so is a vital step forward in my view. Many of our allotment sites are threatened, even the well cared for ones as Simon has shown. The deadline for your signature (assuming you're a GB resident or ex-pat, dear reader) is 27th March , so why not follow this link and simply sign up NOW ? Tell all your friends and family about it too...

New Camera - First Results

I'm a child with a new toy as my birthday present from NAH arrived today. We've been fighting over the digital camera lately as I'm out most days taking snaps for Veg Plotting and other projects. My lovely NAH has responded with a stylish new camera complete with macro facility, so I can now do all those close ups I've been dying to show you. First up is this backlit daffodil from the vase on my kitchen windowsill bagged just after lunch today. BTW - that's the shot as it was taken, I've not cropped or enlarged it post uploading to the computer. My philosophy is to try and get the shot I want with the camera, preferably without using flash - it looks more natural in my view and less work that way!

Shhh! Robins Nesting...

I've had to move out of my allotment shed for the next few months as the robins have returned for the third year and built their nest over the shed door. I think you can guess from the picture how they got in there. I popped in to grab the essentials I'll need over the next few weeks and moved them to my extra large compost bin a few yards away. Luckily Mr and Mrs Robin were out when I did this. Have a look at the unusual 'padlock'. The real one disappeared as a result of the last allotment break-in (nothing was stolen from the shed except for a pair of gloves I'd gained from the break-in before!). Mr Allotment Warden improvised with a piece of dogwood twig and I haven't got round to getting a new lock yet. I think the dogwood rather effectively says 'There's nothing in here of value to nick', don't you? It felt so good to be out on the allotment yesterday. An absence of nearly 3 weeks due to various illnesses means I'm rather behind in my...

ABC Wednesday - I is for...

...Icons of Britain I couldn't resist showing you two of our most iconic pieces of street furniture, the post and telephone box. These examples are lurking outside the recently refurbished Chippenham's train station. You'll see that the post box is a relatively recent example as it has Queen Elizabeth's monogram. Even though the majority of us now have mobile phones, there was a public outcry when British Telecom began to remove these phoneboxes from our streets. There's a really good website dedicated to these and other icons of the British way of life e.g. cricket, our weather, routemaster buses etc. etc. See Mrs Nesbitt's Place for more ABC pictures.


I snook this picture of NAH hard at work this morning, finally getting to grips with the new roof for the shed. Unfortunately I've not been able to persuade him a living roof is the way to go in spite of you all lobbying for this option the last time . This is probably a never to be repeated photograph as we've taken the decision not to post pictures of ourselves or family on here. However, I hope I can get away with this one... Update - Alex over at Shedworking has put a version of this post on his website. Do go and have a look at the goodies there - it's guaranteed to induce shed envy!

Our New Water Feature

The 2 inches of rain we had over the weekend has turned the gravel path from yesterday's Plot Views into a garden stream. The Lesser Celandines growing in the path (how did they get there?) don't seem to mind though.

Plot Views


Happy St Patrick's Day!

No, I haven't got the date wrong - it is indeed St Patrick 's Day today. At least according to the Catholic Church it is. They've moved St Patrick's Day as it's regular slot on Monday is in Holy Week - so secular feasts need to give way to the big one. I'm sure this won't faze my ex-Irish colleagues at all - it'll be an excuse for 2 enormous parties (or even a continuous one) instead. It's all because Easter's so early this year (the earliest since 1913 to be precise), thus proving as far as national saints go, there is such a thing as a moveable feast. The last time it happened was in 1940, when the day also coincided with Palm Sunday. The next time will be 2160, so enjoy the Craic whilst you can!

Signs of Spring 7

This Kerria japonica 'Pleniflora' (aka Japanese Rose, Jew's Mallow, Batchelor's Buttons) is exploding into a mass of acid yellow blooms. It picks up where the daffodils leave off further down the side garden bank. This is a real workhorse shrub for me - I usually have a few blooms from December onwards, followed by a mass of yellow from March through to May. It brightens a gloomy part of the garden most effectively!

Signs of Spring 6

The Pulmonaria had a bit of a hard time with slugs, so has taken a while to recover and start blooming this year. As a result it's managed to combine itself well with these daffodils in the woodland area. I'd like some feedback on my new slideshow please. After the first day I put it on there and got it working to my satisfaction, I'm getting a blank space now when I go into my blog and wondered if it's the same for you?

Pass the Parcel

I've been on tenterhooks about this for so long. I signed up to Jeannine's Pass the Parcel on Allotments4All (A4A) at the start of the year and yesterday it was my turn to receive the goodies. As a confirmed seedaholic, receiving a parcel containing hundreds of packets of seeds to choose from is heaven! As Jeannine's originally from Canada, the parcel's strong on unusual squashes and beans she's sourced from over the pond. Also a number of people have put in Franchi and Seeds of Italy varieties in their swapsies. Jeannine's also started off an Okra growing challenge on A4A this year (also mentioned in the AG letter I blogged about yesterday), so there's a couple of packets in there for those wishing to participate that haven't got their Okra seeds yet. I couldn't resist some of the beans and squashes. I was also pleased to see a few Tomatillo seeds in there - something I've read about lately and want to try. An intriguingly named Dragon Fruit p...

Signs of Spring 5

The fresh growth of Dicentra spectabilis has really started to show through this week. It's a perennial that at first unfurls itself in a similar fashion to a fern, and the new growth is tinged with purple. I have this in my woodland garden, where it hides the unsightly strap-like leaves of the daffodils whilst they die down. I'll post a picture of the flowers around April/May time - to me they look like strings of pink lockets that make me smile. Dicentra has some wonderful common names such as Lady in the Bath and Bleeding Heart.

Amateur Gardening Magazine

I had a nice surprise when I opened the post a couple of days ago to find a National Garden Gift Voucher from Amateur Gardening magazine. I've had a letter printed in there this week - I responded a couple of months ago to their article on garden bloggers by enthusing about my experiences of the blogosphere. Unfortunately they've not heeded my suggestion for a regular column featuring the gardening internet, but hopefully the promised revamping of their own website highlighted after my letter may feature something of the kind.

Signs of Spring 4

These are always the first Tulips to flower in my garden. I planted them 9 years ago before I really got into gardening, so I don't know the variety.

ABC Wednesday ā€“ H is forā€¦

...Happy Days This weekā€™s just the best as far as Iā€™m concerned ā€“ wedding anniversary, birthday, GNO*, my work leaving do, plus our award winning Global Village Film Festival all week. NAHā€™s been hard at work making sure the technical side of things is top notch for taking the films out to various local venues. It started off with the film Once on Saturday (lovely) at The Pound Arts Centre , and will culminate with Nosferatu at St Bartholomewā€™s Church on Saturday ā€“ quite the venue for a horror film! So for me, this week is a celebration of Happy Days. If you were expecting me to talk about the TV programme of the same name, you may want to look here instead. Click here for other ABC pictures bought to you by the letter H - not forgetting Mrs Nesbitt of course. * = Girlsā€™ Night Out ā€“ Mexican meal followed by The Other Boleyn Girl , some of which was filmed locally at Lacock and Great Chalfield Manor .

Just How Long is a Week These Days?

On Breakfast News last Friday, Robert Winston managed to keep a straight face when he announced it's National Science Week for 10 days . I thought about blogging about it then, but as I've organised events to link in with this before, I was just pleased it was getting some national publicity for a change and chuckled to myself that even scientists seem to have problems with their maths. However, I opened my local paper at the weekend to find our national tourist board has a similar problem with the space-time continuum. British Tourism Week started yesterday and continues until 18th March. Kennet District (west Wiltshire) has taken it a step further and extended their week out until March 22nd - nearly a fortnight by my calculations...

Signs of Spring 3

I have 3 large Mayan pots filled to the brim with these lovely Primroses. They're earmarked to go into the Guerilla Garden in a couple of months time.

Magnetic Poetry - March

A very simple poem for this month. I was a bit miffed* I wasn't allowed to take my birthday off as holiday at the time... BTW, today isn't my birthday and I'm not miffed either :) * = ooh, ever so slightly annoyed

Signs of Spring 2

Cowslips amongst the Euonymus . These are gradually spreading themselves down the side garden bank towards the Guerilla Garden - just as I'd hoped they'd do. If you'd like to find out more about the Euonymus , I wrote about it here .

Seed Stash Sunday

Our Allotment & Garden Society gets 45% off seeds from DT Brown . I put my order in last December and it was time to collect my booty at the Lordsmead site this morning. Let the sowing commence!

Signs of Spring 1

OK, so it was raining and we're expecting the mother of all storms tonight/tomorrow, but the sight of the Blackthorn in bloom at the side of the house still stopped me in my tracks yesterday.

Chippenham Against Plastic - Update

Following my recent blogging about the possibility of Chippenham banning the plastic bag, I have a letter published in the local paper this week. NAH thinks I have far too much time on my hands - it's the second letter I've had in there this year.

Rhubarb, rhubarb

Whenever we visit my Brother-in-law, we enter a part of Britain mysteriously known as The Rhubarb Triangle. Luckily, this area of Yorkshire doesn't have the same characteristics as the Bermuda variety, so we usually emerge relatively unscathed at the end of our visits to wend our way back to Wiltshire again. The Rhubarb Triangle is an area bounded by Leeds, Wakefield and Bradford. It's the ideal area for rhubarb growing as it lies in a frost pocket east of the Pennines. This ensures plenty of frosty nights to break the rhubarb's dormancy in time for digging the crowns up and placing them in large forcing sheds in November/December. In complete darkness, the plant produces lashings of tender pink sticks ready for eating from January through to March. Radio 4's The Food Programme did a piece on this a few years ago and I was surprised by the frequent popping noises when the presenter entered the forcing shed - you can hear the rhubarb growing! Many generations of pro...

Friday Freebies

I'd quite forgotten I'd sent off for this little lot - A Grow Your Own Veg pack from the Royal Horticultural Society. It's the Society's follow up to last year's TV series of the same name. The rather smart box shown middle back contained the following goodies - 4 packets of seeds; leaflets on 10 easy veg to grow, container veg gardening and getting started; recipe cards; a glossary of terms and a list of RHS veggie events for this year. There's also a website packed with information and more freebies to support the campaign. Not bad eh! It's also the monthly Garden Club day at the local garden centre, so I went along and claimed my free bunch of daffodils and chose my half price plant :) Not a bad ending to a week I'd rather forget healthwise. Here's to a great weekend everyone!

Is Chippenham Really a Fairtrade Town?

Fairtrade goodies on Fairtrade cotton shopping bag - March 2008 I was surprised by the claim by Laurie Bell - Chippenham's Town Clerk, that Chippenham has Fairtrade Town status when researching my recent article on banning plastic bags . As it's Fairtrade Fortnight at the moment, I decided to investigate this claim a little further. So, what's Fairtrade? According to the Faitrade Foundation's website it's: Fairtrade is about better prices, decent working conditions, local sustainability, and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers in the developing world. By requiring companies to pay sustainable prices (which must never fall lower than the market price), Fairtrade addresses the injustices of conventional trade, which traditionally discriminates against the poorest, weakest producers. It enables them to improve their position and have more control over their lives. The FAIRTRADE Mark is an independent consumer label which appears on UK products as a guarant...

Mmm, Tasty?

I picked up a copy of this freebie magazine a couple of weeks ago, but didn't sit down to read it until yesterday. I don't think I'll be trying the recipe on the right though... Update: Yes the picture on the right doesn't help either - just look a bit more carefully at the recipe's title... ;)

ABC Wednesday ā€“ G is forā€¦

ā€¦ Green Walls at Market Quarter Green rooves are now a familiar sight to most UK gardeners. Theyā€™re very hip and trendy following their featuring in major garden events like Chelsea plus TV programmes such as Gardeners' World . Why, Iā€™m even contemplating having one built onto my shed . Green walls are a more obscure version of the same concept. I donā€™t mean just growing climbers up the wall, like many of us already do, but actually putting a structure in place into which plants are used to clothe the wall. It helps to insulate the house ā€“ keeping it cool in the summer and warm in the winter. The pictured green wall is from the new ā€˜Eco Developmentā€™ in Chippenham. This is currently replacing part of the old Cattle Market site. The developmentā€™s controversial - because of what itā€™s replacing, itā€™s location (within what local residents call the largest cul de sac in Europe, thus major traffic chaos is predicted) and also because the homes are built higher than that specified...

Just Chilling

I've started to try and make sense of what I need to do with my seed stash from the RHS today. The upshot is: 3 varieties are relatively straight forward and can be sown straight away - Fatsia , Hyssopus , and Leucojum . As they're from such precious places, I'm going to treat them to some proper seed compost instead of my usual peat-free :) 11 varieties need to be pre-chilled first as a minimum - so they've been put in the fridge today as pictured. I have a list of questions to be answered before I can get on with anything else. Research will commence as soon as I can stand being logged onto the internet for longer than half an hour...

Feeding My Mind

In my current befuddled state I've been trying to reduce the size of my Booklog. Luckily I have the pictured lovely gardening book, ripe for dipping in and out of. I have the attention span of a gnat at the moment, so it's an ideal volume to cuddle up to, together with a hot toddy or two - that may of course further explain the state I'm in :o! My favourite quote so far: Don't wear perfume in the garden - unless you want to be pollinated by bees Anne Raver (1949- ) Update: I must be getting better - the apostrophe's position's beginning to irritate me ;)

Plot Views - sniff, atishoo :(


Chippenhamā€™s Banksy ā€“ Update

Since my last posting on the subject, 3 more examples of Graffiti Art have appeared in Chippenham. This one is on the side of Chippenham station and it looks like itā€™s been signed, alas not by Banksy. A few yards away, Batman has appeared on the side of the footbridge over the railway line. It has a ā€˜how did they manage to do that?ā€™ quality about it. Perhaps he/she/they flew up there like batman! Here's a closer view of the actual piece. The last one is on the side of the local cinema, just a few yards from the bus stop where the first one appeared. Perhaps it's a self portrait of the artist in action. The question now is ā€“ are they all by the same artist? I chose today to post this update because The City Daily Photo Movement (CDPB) are due to be blogging about Street Art today. Click here for an explanation of what CDPB is and a gateway into a world of daily photos. My thanks to Gerald England from ABC Wednesday for alerting me to this blogging event .

Bunches of Daffodils

A happy St Davidā€™s Day to you, especially if you hail from Wales. The Daffodil isnā€™t the only Welsh national symbol. Itā€™s even more traditional to wear the Leek ā€“ Daffodil wearing was introduced by Lloyd George just under a century ago. Both the Leek and the Daffodil share the same Welsh name Ceninen , hence the dual symbolism. Be of cheer today - itā€™s the first day of early spring according to the gardening calendar :) Update - March 'Roared in like a lion' here last night. Many items were tossed around the garden like toys, but thankfully it looks like there's no major damage. If the rest of this weather lore is true, then we can look forward to a lovely end to the month - 'Going out like a lamb'.