ABC Wednesday - B is for...

Broccoli & Stilton Soup

I always go a bit mad after Christmas and buy loads of half price Stilton. I then have a problem at the end of January as it nears its Use By date. I usually end up freezing most of it, but last week discovered a forgotten 1kg bag of frozen broccoli I'd won last year (yes, won - Sainsbury's was doing a 5 a day promotion). Aha the perfect solution to my problem - lots of yummy soup :)

I started with chopping a large onion and browning it in some olive oil. I then added 1 litre of vegetable stock, the broccoli, a peeled and chopped medium sized potato, black pepper and mixed herbs to taste. This was simmered for 20 minutes and then whizzed into a smooth soup using a hand blender. At this point the recipe books tell you to cool the soup a little and stir in the Stilton. However, there was more than I wanted to serve at once, so this would give me a reheating problem later. So I put a thick slice of Stilton in the bottom of the bowl, topped up with the soup and stirred through the cheese. This worked perfectly.

ABC Wednesday is brought to you courtesy of Mrs Nesbitt's Place.


  1. This sounds yummy and just what i need right now to perk me up a little. Great abc B.

  2. Yummmmmmmmmmmmm
    I just made a Pear and Blue Cheese soup this past weekend...

  3. Looks delicious - almost good enough to eat!

  4. That looks nice but I don't like stilton! I could leave it out I suppose ... it could be broccoli and stilton surprise soup with the surprise being ...

    Daughter has a new allotment and a blog.

  5. Broccoli is my favorite vegi.
    Can never forget the first broccoli soup I got after my transplantation.
    Tasted like heaven if there is something like that

  6. I love broccoli! And the soup looks Yummy:)

  7. Yummi! :)
    A tasty and healthy B! :)

  8. My mouth is watering, mmmmmm, that photo tells me everything about that soup, good choice

  9. Bet it would be good on a cold day, and healthy too.

  10. mmmm, delicious!!!I will make this some day.

  11. Thick, rich soup...looks perfect for a cold,windy day like we're having today in Ontario. Thanks for sharing the idea.

  12. YUM .. looks good enough to eat!

  13. Broccoli soup???
    Never done it but who know it might be great!

    See what I made the first time for ABC wednesday,I made music combined with photography

    Greetings from JoAnn Holland

  14. I've just learned to eat brocoli in the past few months. The soup looks delicious.

  15. That sounds so delicious! What a shame I can't take any cow milk products - I love the taste of cheese.

  16. Sounds great with the bit of cheese!

  17. Loved cooked broccoli and soup especially but don't et cheese in it..

  18. Ah, the only way I will eat broccoli - smothered in cheese so that I canno taste the "little green trees". :)

  19. This sounds so yummy! I love broccoli but never thought about making soup with Stilton. I actually have some Stilton in my fridge right now and on its own, must be taken in small doses! But in a broccoli soup...great idea!

  20. Oh, this sounds simply divine.

  21. What a fun choice for the letter B. Keep up the good work :)

  22. Yummy! I love soup and this one looks and sounds delicious.

  23. looks yummy and i can use it right now as it is very cold here in my motorhome waiting to go back home tomorrow from our vacation

  24. looks good. Never thought of broccoli soup

  25. Now that sounds like a yummy B post. The soup sounds simple and very tastey.

  26. Thanks everyone for your comments -it is a good winter warmer isn't it? I also forgot to add that Broccoli is a Superfood :)

    With or without cheese, it's still good! Even my hubby likes Broccoli served this way - he won't touch it au naturel!

    Deemom - Pear and Blue Cheese soup is yummy too - perhaps that's a P photo opportunity for you!

    Liz - you can always substitute with a cheese you do like e.g. strong cheddar of the Welsh variety :) And good luck to your daughter with her new blog - I'll go and take a peek!

  27. MMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!
    This sounds a very warm me up type of soup! Do you think this would be suitable for my expedition?
    I will need food to keep me warm!

    My first ABC Wednesday today!
    Edmund (the explorer) Nesbitt

  28. One of my favourite soups :o)

  29. Ok forgive my ignorance but what is Stilton? never heard of it....the soup looks very yummy!

  30. Yum! Now I've got to make some.

  31. Perfect! A Lovely B and a recipe, too.

  32. Hi and thank you to the latest batch of commenters. I'm glad you like the soup - a great winter warmer and good for bears in training for their expedition!

    For those of you wondering what Stilton is, click on the link in the posting and all will be revealed :)


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