Small World

It's been a strange old week for VP. A casual look at My Tiny Plot's comments early last week took me to Everything in the Garden's Rosy. I left a comment on her Lacock posting and blow me after a couple of exchanged e-mails we find we're based in the same town, live on the same estate and both have an allotment on the same site :-0

After that we had to meet up and inspect each other's plots and duly did so yesterday - yippee! We then retired to my house for a chat in warmer climes and found we not only come from the same city, but also went to the same school. Our attendance overlaps by a couple of years and we'd both been sitting there thinking the other was slightly familiar. It seems very spooky, but according to the 6 degrees of separation phenomenon, it shouldn't be as surprising as it feels. This was successfully re-tested via e-mail in 2003 - however, it looks like our blogging version comes well within the 6 steps:

1. I find the Bath Crafting Cranny, enjoy it so much & decide to blog
2. I set up my own blog
3. The blog's linked to My Tiny Plot (MTP) - found via Bath Crafting Cranny
4. Find Everything's in the Garden's Rosy on MTP's All Change Please comments and voila!

Can you beat this? What's your most spooky coincidence?


  1. Cam't find any means of contacting you on this site? Wanted to email to say I tagged you - not sure whether you'd be by or checking your stats to see it for yourself. Feel quite free to ignore (and gosh I realise that is two memes in as many weeks; I don't usually do them at all!)


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